Tired of overpriced chemicals and cosmetics? Discover our homemade treatments to enhance your hair, eyes and skin. Our grandmother's remedies and natural recipes will help you take care of your body from the inside.
There has been little progress in the treatment of metastatic cancer over the past ten years. This is apparent from a report by the Comprehensive Cancer Center of the Netherlands (IKNL). For example, it appears that half of people who have metastatic cancer live six months or less. That is only a m
B vitamins provide energy and ensure that you can take a beating. If you are short of them, you will soon feel less comfortable in your own skin. Vitamin B6 Vitmaine B6, for example, is needed for the production of neurotransmitters in the brain, including serotonin. If you dont get enough B6, you
Healthy gut flora can improve the quality of your sleep, experts say. So bad sleeper Esmir (45) signs up for a sleep detox cure. Six days of shakes and juices. Is this her ticket to dreamland? Also take advantage of the Santé offer! If my boyfriend and I go to bed at the same time, hes gone within
Hemorrhoids, not a sexy ailment. In addition, it is annoying and it can sometimes be quite painful. What can you do to prevent hemorrhoids and promote healing. 1. Ensure a good bowel movement Drink enough water, eat enough fiber and get enough exercise. These three things promote bowel movements.
Are you trying to lose weight, but not quite succeeding? Then try to teach yourself these dinner habits:by picking up these habits with dinner you could just lose some weight. And they are not complicated at all! 1. Stick to a schedule No, we dont mean an eating schedule or diet. Did you know that
Maybe next time youd rather take the stairs, because research shows that an elevator is not really corona-proof... In their research, researchers at the University of Amsterdam show that coughed-out virus particles can remain in the elevator for no less than ten to twenty minutes. Read also: Coro
Have you ever gotten sick after eating leftovers? Then there is a good chance that you have made one – or perhaps more – of these warming mistakes… These mistakes can make you sick if you eat leftovers, so quickly read which mistakes you will not make again! 1. Keep food out of the fridge for more t
Do you ignore possible menopausal symptoms because you are far from over 50? Maybe that was too premature… It could also be that you are in early menopause. Although it is not very common to go through menopause before the age of forty-five, it sometimes happens. These are 6 symptoms that may indica
Every month you lose the menstrual pain. Very annoying! You can take a painkiller, but there are also foods that help against menstrual pain. 1. Walnuts The pain in your abdomen is caused by contracting muscles in your uterus. Combat this pain with omega-3 fatty acids, which are richly represented
Gordon, presenter of the 100 Jaar Jong program, is infected with the corona virus and so the recordings of the program in which he hangs out with the elderly have been temporarily stopped. Gordon has no complaints and no one else among his contacts has been infected with the virus. Read also: Bab
A womans heart works really differently than a mans heart. Thats why in this file:everything you need to know about your heart, how to keep it in top condition and which misunderstandings should be cleared up. heart problems. It may sound like a far-from-your-bed show. Something that happens to you
Now that a lot of rain is predicted in the coming time, it is also important that you protect your mouth cap well. Because this is the effect of a wet-rained mouth cap. There are different opinions about how much protection a mouth cap offers, but a wet mouth cap offers no protection at all. Read
No pain no gain. When we talk about high heels, we dont immediately think of comfortable shoes. Yet we all have a pair of heels in the closet. We wear them under that beautiful dress, perhaps to work or, for example, for a night out or other entertainment. Shoes with high heels provide optically l
Now that many are working from home, the walk to the coffee machine or to a colleague is missed. You sit more than you like. But what happens if you sit too much? We asked Mai Chin A Paw, sports scientist, epidemiologist and professor of epidemiology of youth and health at Amsterdam UMC. Among othe
We know more and more about the coronavirus. It now also appears that it can leave its marks on your brain. When the coronavirus just reared its head, we thought it was a lung disease. But after months of suffering from Covid-19, we know more and more about the virus. Read also: Your body and mi
You are in a hurry or you dont get a bite in the morning at all... But how (un)healthy is it to skip breakfast? We asked Lolkje de Vries, spokesperson at the Nutrition Center. Lolkje:“Breakfast has been regarded as the most important meal of the day for decades. I dont know where that comes from. O
It is a question that everyone asks themselves sometimes:why do I (sometimes) sleep so badly? One thing was most often mentioned during a study when it comes to the reason for having sleep problems. And that is… A survey of 13,000 adults from 13 countries into what could be the reason for sleeping
Do you have a bump on the side of your big toe? Maybe its a bunion, also called hallux valgus. We tell you what you can do about it. What is a bunion? A bunion or hallux valgus is a deformity of the big toe. The toe grows crooked and this can cause a bump on the side of your foot. A bunion can be v
The NPO program Its your fault that Im fat follows British children who have enormous weight. They mainly blame their parents, as does 16-year-old Anna who now weighs almost 105 kilos. Anna has an ally in her mother Sarah, who also likes to snack. “Its a kind of comfort,” says the mother. Read als
Have you always wondered how often you should actually poop? Then we finally have the redeeming answer for you (see what we did there…?)! One poops several times a day, the other only a few times a week. But how often should you actually defecate for a healthy gut? Read also :You should be on the