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5 dinner habits that can help you lose weight

5 dinner habits that can help you lose weight

Are you trying to lose weight, but not quite succeeding? Then try to teach yourself these dinner habits:by picking up these habits with dinner you could just lose some weight. And they are not complicated at all!

1. Stick to a schedule

No, we don't mean an eating schedule or diet. Did you know that eating around the same time every night can help you? We understand that it is sometimes not very practical, but it can help you lose weight. When you eat at a set time, you are likely to plan your meals more quickly, rather than just eating what is there because you are hungry. And that in turn often leads to unhealthy sniffing, while knowing that you are going to eat at 6 o'clock every night can help you prepare healthy meals. Sounds logical, right?

Read also :'Is it normal to be hungry while losing weight?'

2. Don't get distracted

Be honest:do you probably eat in front of the television? Maybe you shouldn't do that anymore if you want to lose some weight. Because your brain is kept busy by the television (or your phone), you don't process the taste and satiety of your food the same as if you were eating at the table without distractions. The result? You are less full and enjoy your food less, which increases the chance that you will still snack afterwards. And that's a shame, don't you think? So do mindful eatin and pay conscious attention to your meal!

3. Drink a glass of water first

You've probably heard that drinking plenty of water can help with weight loss, but for good reason. By drinking a glass of water before eating, your stomach is full faster and you are satisfied faster, so that you eat fewer large portions and there is a greater chance that you will not binge eat after your dinner. It can also help if the glass of water contains a glass of soda, so you get fewer calories anyway. And all that through a glass of water!

4. Chew more slowly

One of the easiest ways to work on your weight is to chew more slowly. Because you eat slower, you eat less. How does that work? When you chew quickly, you finish eating before your brain receives the signal from your stomach that you are full. As a result, you often eat more than you actually need. If you chew more slowly, your brain will receive the signal when you have actually eaten enough and the chance that you will eat too much is smaller. Struggling to chew more slowly? Try putting your cutlery down between bites, taking a sip of water and having a conversation during your meal.

5. Go for a walk

After a sumptuous dinner, most of us – yes, us too – tend to plop down on the couch and can't get rid of it for a while. But if you want to lose weight, it is wise to get some exercise after dinner. Walking helps to stimulate your metabolism, so that you can burn calories faster and thus lose weight. In addition, we are least active in the evening and at night, so a walk is also a great way to get some exercise before getting into bed.
