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Oh dear:coronavirus aerosols can stay in an elevator for about 20 minutes

Oh dear:coronavirus aerosols can stay in an elevator for about 20 minutes

Maybe next time you'd rather take the stairs, because research shows that an elevator is not really corona-proof...

In their research, researchers at the University of Amsterdam show that coughed-out virus particles can remain in the elevator for no less than ten to twenty minutes.

Read also: 'Coronavirus also affects your brain'

Virus transfer

These aerosols are seen as an important way of transmitting the coronavirus. The only question is to what extent the virus must be present in these aerosols to actually infect and make someone sick.


"It is not known what the minimum infectious dose is," said the university researchers. Aerosols may lead to milder symptoms than direct contact transmission. Still, the researchers advise keeping elevator doors open longer and talking and coughing as little as possible in the elevator. In addition, ventilation is of great importance.