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Why do we stretch when we wake up?

Why do we stretch when we wake up?

Stretching not only feels good, it also helps you physically when you wake up…

1. Your muscles become looser

When you sleep, you often lie in the same position for extended periods of time, which can cause you to wake up a little stiff. By stretching, you loosen up your muscles.

Read also: "This sound is the best way to wake up"

2. You reduce tension in your body

Do you want to optimally reduce tension in your body? Then it is best to hold a stretch for thirty seconds.

3. Your blood circulation is improved

Your body still needs to get going in the morning. Just before getting up, your heart rate is low. When you stretch, your blood circulation starts up again. Your blood circulation makes you feel a bit more energetic, which makes getting out of bed a little easier.