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16-year-old Anna weighs almost 105 kilos:'It is mainly the fault of my parents'

16-year-old Anna weighs almost 105 kilos: It is mainly the fault of my parents

The NPO program 'It's your fault that I'm fat' follows British children who have enormous weight. They mainly blame their parents, as does 16-year-old Anna who now weighs almost 105 kilos.

Anna has an ally in her mother Sarah, who also likes to snack. “It's a kind of comfort,” says the mother.

Read also: 'Teacher Bibi in Obese goes like a spear and even falls below her target weight'

Healthy appetite

According to her father Neil, Anna has always had a healthy appetite, but lately things have gotten out of hand. “When I'm alone with Anna, I can still manage snacking in the evening, but when her mother is around… She also likes to snack.”

Yet he doesn't say no to Anna, if there are still some leftovers for dinner and she asks if she can eat them.

Parents to blame for being overweight

Time to intervene, because the overweight is now causing a huge dent in Anna's self-confidence. When she looks in the mirror, she doesn't think she is beautiful and she also sees that her friends wear nice tight and sometimes short clothes. Something she wouldn't do because she's dissatisfied with her body. Anna understands that she herself is to blame for her overweight, but she also mainly blames her parents, because they do not stop the large amount of food.

Anna and her parents are going to work together to change this.

Review broadcast

See how they fare and if they can keep it up? Watch the broadcast again.

'Your fault that I'm fat' can be seen every Tuesday on NPO 3 around 10 p.m.