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Coronavirus also affects your brain

Coronavirus also affects your brain

We know more and more about the coronavirus. It now also appears that it can leave its marks on your brain.

When the coronavirus just reared its head, we thought it was a lung disease. But after months of suffering from Covid-19, we know more and more about the virus.

Read also: 'Your body and mind need to recover from all the corona worries'


It has already emerged that it can also leave its mark on your heart. A German study showed that six out of ten corona patients have an inflamed heart muscle two months after their diagnosis. A smaller percentage even showed that scar tissue had formed in the heart and a reduced pumping function of the left ventricle.


It has now emerged that your brain can also be affected by the coronavirus. How it can enter your brain is not entirely clear yet. It is clear that about half of the corona patients have neurological complaints such as headaches and confusion.

Research at Yale University in the United States shows that the virus can multiply in the brain. It seems as if all the oxygen is being sucked in, which can cause cells to die. There is also a small chance of a brain infection. And that can have deadly consequences, according to immunologist Akiko Iwasaki.