Tired of overpriced chemicals and cosmetics? Discover our homemade treatments to enhance your hair, eyes and skin. Our grandmother's remedies and natural recipes will help you take care of your body from the inside.
Advertorial – Its Autumn! The R is in the month again, with which the colds also resurface. What does druggist Cristina advise for coughing complaints? Cristina: There are different types of cough. Productive cough (cough with phlegm) and dry cough (stinging/tingling cough). These each require a
Bugs in the bed, germs in the bathroom… Your house is home to all kinds of uninvited guests. And that can affect your health. A clean house is just as important for your health as healthy food. How healthy is your… living room In the living room, the remote control is the dirtiest, because everyone
Answer That may well be true. Professor of neurobiology and psychiatric disorders Gert ter Horst of the UMCG investigated the effect of heartbreak. What seems? Heartbreak processing takes place in the same part of the brain as taste processing. He discovered by accident that heartbroken people eat m
It is regularly in the news:contraception for men is coming. From the male pill to a gel that can replace condoms. What do you need to know before that happens? 1. Why male contraception is in the news this time The product in the news this time is Vasalgel:a gel that is injected into the vas defer
Your Twitter and Facebook behavior influence your brain. Which influence exactly? Look further. Do you use social media a lot? Tsyhun / Shutterstock.com
At the Berlin supermarket Original Unverpackt you can buy all products without packaging. Good preparation is half the battle Paste, liquorice, drink, all-purpose cleaner… You drain exactly as much as you need. Before you go shopping, you have to make a good list; for every product you need, you ha
Many people suffer from urination problems. Far fewer people go to the doctor with it. The facts – Half a million people are incontinent.– 1 million people have an overactive bladder.– Urinary complaints are common:frequent urination, nighttime urination, strong urge to urinate urination, painful u
You make hundreds of choices every day. If you are watching your weight, it is important that you choose the healthy options. Thats not easy, thats why we have 10 tips for you. 1. Keep moving Even while brushing your teeth, washing dishes and talking on the phone. Take the stairs more often and, if
After a hard day you like to treat yourself with your favorite comfort food:ice cream, chips or chocolate. Research shows that you are fooling yourself. Comfort food has no more effect on your mood than other food (or not eating). How did researchers discover that? In a first session, 100 people w
It has everything to do with whats on your counter. The pitfall:letting unhealthy food roam on the counter Many people have food on the counter:from a bag of chips to a carton of cornflakes. It may seem harmless, but research shows that it affects your eating habits. 240 kitchens examined For the
Still hungry after you finish your plate? Then its time to take a closer look at your meals and eating habits. With these tips you will eat less and still feel full. Tip 1:Take a closer look at your meals After a healthy and balanced meal you will feel full faster. That means your meal should cont
Health freak, emo-eater or permanent dieter:many women have a complicated relationship with food. How come and is there anything that can be done about it? Complicated relationship Many women have a complicated relationship with food. They love it, they detest it, they know the calorie and carbohyd
The annual Pink Ribbon magazine is in the shops from today. It is a magazine without rose-colored glasses containing everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask about breast cancer. The numbers 1 in 7 women will develop breast cancer. Five years ago, that was 1 in 9 women. Men can
Many infections spread easily through bacteria on your hands, so its important to wash your hands regularly. But whats the best way to dry your hands? Why is it important to wash your hands wash well? If you use soap and wash your hands well, almost no bacteria is left behind. If you dont wash you
These days there are apps for everything. There are also hundreds of apps to improve your sleep. But lets be honest, some apps are quite useful! Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock This app shows a graph after a nights sleep in which you can read how deeply you slept. The app also has an alarm clock:the app wa
Losing pounds takes a lot of effort, but these 5 tips dont require a diet or gym. Take on a number of small habits, with great effect. 1. Drink a glass of water before every meal This makes it easier to reach the recommended daily amount of water and you feel fuller, so that you eat too much less q
Every day there are 70,000 Dutch people who lie in bed with a headache. They cannot tolerate light and sound and wait for the painful migraine attack to pass. Help from the GP Many people with migraine do not visit their GP, even though the GP can offer help. It is Migraine Week until 7 September.
Stress has a major impact on your body. A stiff neck and stiff shoulders can be the result. A massage can provide relief. Even more lighting Tiger Balm has developed a cream especially for the neck and shoulders. The ingredients (including eucalyptus, d-camphor and mint) provide immediate relief fr
Plants in the office not only brighten things up, they also provide a significant increase in productivity. Adding plants to an otherwise austere office increases employee productivity by 15 percent, according to research. Simple but effective. Do you have a plant at work?
Replace the glass on the table today with the largest glass in your kitchen cabinet. Fill it with water and challenge yourself to drink more water. If there is a glass of water next to you, you usually drink it empty. Take advantage of that fact by placing a large glass instead of a small glass. Al