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10 tips for a healthier life

10 tips for a healthier life

You make hundreds of choices every day. If you are watching your weight, it is important that you choose the healthy options. That's not easy, that's why we have 10 tips for you.

1. Keep moving
Even while brushing your teeth, washing dishes and talking on the phone. Take the stairs more often and, if necessary, go to the toilet on another floor of the office.

2. Make a training plan
Exercising with a goal is easier to sustain. Have you let it slip lately? Make a new and realistic plan so that next time you will enjoy exercising again, instead of starting a new television series.

3. Have healthy snacks ready
Cut some vegetables and fruit and divide it into portions. If it is already ready-to-use, you will opt for a healthy snack faster.

4. Don't eat out of boredom When bored, make sure you don't think about food. Distract yourself:do some stretches, call a friend, make a cup of tea, read a book or go for a walk.

5. Prepare your breakfast the night before
This way you have no excuse not to have breakfast in the morning.

6. Take lunch to work
You can also prepare your lunch in the evening. View all our tips for lunch.

7. Less with soft drinks It is best not to drink any soft drinks at all, but that is not easy for everyone. Try to gradually reduce your soda consumption.

8. Choose snacks with fiber
Take snacks with at least 5 grams of fiber in them. This will satisfy your hunger for longer.

9. Check out the menu before you go out for dinner
By looking at the menu online, you can choose a healthy option at your leisure.

10. Get enough sleep Sleep is important for your health. So really try to get seven to eight hours of sleep a night.