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Paper towels or a hand dryer?

Paper towels or a hand dryer?

Many infections spread easily through bacteria on your hands, so it's important to wash your hands regularly. But what's the best way to dry your hands?

Why is it important to wash your hands wash well?
If you use soap and wash your hands well, almost no bacteria is left behind. If you don't wash your hands properly, or don't use soap, bacteria will remain behind and they will spread extra quickly because your skin is wet. You rub your wet hands over your pants, run them through your hair or touch the door handle. Ideal surfaces to spread bacteria.

So, what's the best way to dry our hands?
Paper towels are the best option when you consider the spread of bacteria.

We don't want to spend too much time drying our hands. With a hand dryer, your hands are 97 percent dry after 45 seconds. With a paper towel this is already the case after 10 seconds. However, most people only use the hand dryer for 22 seconds, leaving their hands 30 percent wet. With a paper towel, your hands are already 85 percent dry after 5 seconds.

Other factors
The friction of a paper towel can cause bacteria from your hands to remain on the cloth. Some studies claim that there are bacteria in the airflow about the hand dryer.

In short
A paper towel is the best option. If you don't have a choice, a hand dryer is also fine, but make sure you let your hands blow dry completely.

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