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Contraception for men:4 things you need to know

Contraception for men:4 things you need to know

It is regularly in the news:contraception for men is coming. From the male pill to a gel that can replace condoms. What do you need to know before that happens?

1. Why male contraception is in the news this time
The product in the news this time is Vasalgel:a gel that is injected into the vas deferens and blocks the passage for sperm cells. As soon as there is a desire to have children, the treatment can be reversed by rinsing the Vasalgel away with another injection.

2. There is still a long way to go
The treatment with Vasalgel has so far only been tested on baboons. The intention is that the first human trials will be carried out next year. If all goes well, the drug should hit the market in 2017.

3. Contraception for men has been around for years
"When I was in college 30 years ago, it was said that male contraception would soon be available," says Philip Werthman M.D., a male fertility doctor. Philip Werthman is not the only expert who doubts whether male contraception will hit the market this time.

4. Can male contraception ever be a success?
Goedele Liekens applauds revolutions such as this one. Still, she doubts if male contraception ever comes on the market, it will be a success. Contraception remains a woman's thing in men's minds. In addition, men are afraid of interventions that make them temporarily infertile. The primal idea that they can impregnate a woman is important, a man does not want to lose that power.

Do you think it would be useful for the man to use contraception, or would you rather have that responsibility yourself?
