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Eating less and still feeling full

Eating less and still feeling full

Still hungry after you finish your plate? Then it's time to take a closer look at your meals and eating habits. With these tips you will eat less and still feel full.

Tip 1:Take a closer look at your meals
After a healthy and balanced meal you will feel full faster. That means your meal should contain a healthy balance of carbohydrates, fiber, proteins and healthy fats. Variety on your plate is therefore important.

Tip 2:Drink a glass of water first Hunger and thirst are often confused. Drink a glass of water before eating to feel full faster. You can also use this trick if you feel like a snack:drink a glass of water first and it will be easier to snack less.

Tip 3:Add chia seeds Chia seeds are small and do not have a pronounced taste. You can add them to your food without much effect on the taste. Why would you do that? For the nutritional value:a tablespoon of chia seeds contains 2 grams of protein and almost 5 grams of fiber.

Tip 4:Eat slower
Try to enjoy your food with every bite. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain to get the signal that you are full. If you empty your plate within 10 minutes, that signal always comes in too late. Also read our tips to eat more consciously.

Tip 5:Use herbs Herbs are healthy, tasty and research shows that they make you feel full faster. So feel free to use some extra herbs. Another advantage is that herbs give your food a lot of flavor, so you need less salt as a seasoning.