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A Grandmother's Recipe For Skin Used For Centuries.

A Grandmother s Recipe For Skin Used For Centuries.

I must admit that I'm still quite proud of my skin, which has managed to stay soft and without too many wrinkles despite all these years spent in the Parisian air. I share with you a grandmother's recipe that works well for me.

What am I a man? Well yes even men have the right to take care of their skin to stay young as long as possible.

But don't worry ladies, my recipe works just as well for you because I have lots of friends who have also tried it.

It's simple, once a month I make myself a little green clay mask. before taking my shower. I leave it on for about 5-10 minutes until the clay stiffens.

And hop I jump in my shower to rinse my face. As a result, my skin is soft and luminous like the 1st day.

Well ok I may add a little, but honestly it's super effective in removing all the pollution that the skin stores over the weeks. Clay has been used for centuries, it's proof that it works.

To prevent your skin from being too dry, you can then add a base moisturizing cream.


Given the price of masks in parapharmacies, green clay is still cheaper since you can find 1.5 kilo for about 10 euros the jar.

I also have a friend who buys her clay in decor stores because it is more economical and the quantities of pots are greater. Sounds like a good plan to me, but I haven't had time to find a store like this near my home.

If you try this grandma's recipe, let me know what you think in the comments and share your tips for finding cheap clay near you.