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What do you do when coughing?

What do you do when coughing?

Advertorial – It's Autumn! The R is in the month again, with which the colds also resurface. What does druggist Cristina advise for coughing complaints?

Cristina: 'There are different types of cough. Productive cough (cough with phlegm) and dry cough (stinging/tingling cough). These each require a different approach.

Productive cough
In a productive cough, there is mucus in the airways. You should not suppress the cough stimulus. The mucus contains germs. If you suppress the cough with a cough medicine, the mucus becomes harder, makes breathing difficult and there is a risk of infection of the deeper respiratory tract. Most cough medicines are available as a drink, effervescent tablet or tablet.

Stuck cough without mucus,
In case of a persistent cough where it is not possible to cough up mucus, I recommend products based on acetylcisteine, carbocisteine ​​or bromhexine hydrochloride. In the drugstore they can tell you which products those are. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, you may only use these products in consultation with your doctor. If mucus does come loose, you can choose a remedy that helps the mucus to cough up more easily. Then you can use a product with vegetable ingredients such as eucalyptus oil and licorice.

Dry cough
With a dry cough you have a tickle in the throat, nothing comes out when you cough and the airways become more and more irritated. Then I recommend means that suppress the cough stimulus or soften the mucous membranes. For example, drugs that contain noscapine and codeine. Noscapine can be used during pregnancy in consultation with your doctor. Codeine is then not recommended.

Side effects?
Codeine and noscapine can cause side effects such as drowsiness, reduced ability to concentrate and react, drowsiness and dizziness. That is why you are not allowed to get into a car or operate machines where you have to be alert.

With both types of cough, it also helps to occasionally let a cough candy or licorice melt in the mouth. That has a calming and soothing effect on the mucous membranes.'

What do you do when coughing? Who is Cristina?
Cristina Knollema-Lertora is a licensed druggist and works in a drugstore with the Certified Specialist in Self-Care quality mark, which is the quality mark for good advice on over-the-counter medicines. On you can find out which drugstores in your area have this quality mark and what you as a customer can expect from these drugstores.

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