Family Best Time >> Health

Healthy week #7

Healthy week #7

Do something healthy every day this week.

Monday:Prepare a morning workout for tomorrow
Despite all your New Year's resolutions, did your morning workout fail today? With these tips you will take action tomorrow morning.

Tuesday:in the bath
Take some time for yourself. Run the bath and relax. It is good for body &mind.

Wednesday:wake up with coffee
After today, the working week is over half for many. Getting up is getting harder and harder. Did you know that it is better not to wake up with a cup of coffee? The pick-me-up is more useful between 09.30 and 11.30. Read why.

Thursday:small changes in your kitchen
The kitchen is the place where you prepare your meal, but also the place where you open the fridge and kitchen cupboards for the umpteenth time, looking for something tasty. These small changes in your kitchen will help you reach for something healthy faster next time.

Are you hosting a dinner party for your friends? Get inspired for a tasty dish with our recipes.

Saturday:healthy breakfast
Are you running out of inspiration for a healthy breakfast? Try muesli with buckwheat or pancakes based on buckwheat flour.

Sunday:Pajama Day
No plans today? Hang out all day in your pajamas or house suit.

Read the other article in this section>>
