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Covid-19:15 million Italians in quarantine, nearly 1,000 cases in France, update on the epidemic

The Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic is progressing inexorably in France, so that the country is gradually advancing towards stage 3. In neighboring Italy, the government has just applied a quarantine project in the north of the country affecting nearly 15 million inhabitants.

France is approaching stage 3

As France Info explains, the results of the coronavirus epidemic reported 943 cases for 16 deaths on March 7, 2020 in the evening. Our country is the 5th country most affected by the epidemic. In addition, a new defense council will take place at the Élysée this Sunday at 6 p.m. According to the entourage of President E. Macron, the transition to stage 3 is not yet planned. However, the Ministry of Health Olivier Véran indicated that “we will evolve towards stage 3 in a progressive, ineluctable way” .

Among the 16 deaths were 11 men and 5 women and 12 of them were over 70 . According to the director general of health Jérôme Salomon, “it is less than in classic flu epidemics” . In addition, a third case was declared to the National Assembly since a deputy was indeed infected. A total of two MEPs and one employee of this institution have contracted the coronavirus.

Quarantine in Italy

In addition to the increasing number of cases in France, citizens are concerned about the situation in Italy. Indeed, our neighbor is in a very delicate situation with 5,883 confirmed cases and 233 deaths . However, the Italian government has just adopted a new project applied this Sunday. No less than 11 areas will be quarantined. Let us mention the region of Milan, that of Venice as well as part of Emilia-Romagna including the city of Parma.

This is a real shutdown of these areas where no one can enter or leave except in cases of force majeure. This measure is accompanied by a total closure of schools, universities and other establishments such as cultural centers, museums, swimming pools and sports halls. In addition, hospital and funeral staff have had their holidays postponed in order to deal with this crisis.

Covid-19:15 million Italians in quarantine, nearly 1,000 cases in France, update on the epidemic

Elsewhere in the world

In Europe, Germany has 799 confirmed cases but still no deaths. On the other hand, Spain has 500 cases but also 10 deaths. As for Switzerland and Belgium, which are also our neighbours, the latter have respectively 268 and 169 cases for 1 death on the Swiss side. Other Western European countries include the United Kingdom (206 cases / 2 deaths), the Netherlands (188 / 1), Sweden (161) and Norway (147).

On the American continent, the United States is the most affected country with 424 cases for 15 deaths . We should also mention Canada (54 cases) and Mexico (6). Central and South America were spared until recently, but various countries have joined the list. Examples include Ecuador and Argentina with around ten cases each.

In the Middle East, Iran is obviously at the center of attention with 5,823 cases for 145 deaths . The other most affected countries in the region are Bahrain (85 cases), Kuwait (65) and the United Arab Emirates (45).


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