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Covid-19:more than 10,000 cases in Italy, stage 3 close in France, update on the epidemic

While the increase in cases and deaths linked to the coronavirus continues in France, Italy is living through dark times. Recently declared in quarantine, our neighbor faces more than 10,000 cases for more than 600 deaths. Elsewhere, while the coronavirus continues to progress in most countries, containment seems to be gradually lifting in Wuhan, the main focus of the epidemic.

Stage 3 in France, a matter of days

According to the latest report from the evening of March 10, France now has 1,784 cases of coronavirus for 33 deaths . If it is for the moment a question of excluding measures as drastic as those concerning an Italy currently in quarantine, the passage to stage 3 is only a matter of days. This has indeed been confirmed by the Director General of Health, Jérôme Salomon, according to Ouest France.

Among the confirmed cases, 86 patients are currently in intensive care. Among them, no children and 23 patients are over 75 . Obviously, it is to be expected that the number of new cases and deaths will increase. Our country has indeed experienced the highest increase in new cases in a single day (372).

More than 10,000 cases and 600 deaths in Italy

According to Le Monde, Italy is increasingly cut off from the world. Currently under quarantine measures, the country is not yet paralyzed. The entire population has seen its strongly restricted movement and regulated. In addition, gatherings are now prohibited and transport seriously impacted. Fewer and fewer planes are arriving and fewer and fewer people are using trains, metros and other buses.

The latest report from the evening of March 10 reports 10,149 confirmed cases for 631 deaths . Italy confirms more than ever its status as the country where the coronavirus epidemic is the deadliest after China.

Covid-19:more than 10,000 cases in Italy, stage 3 close in France, update on the epidemic

Spain and the United States could switch

Let's mention Iran, coming behind Italy in terms of the number of cases (8,042) and deaths (291). The situation seems to be getting better in South Korea, which has been able to cope. This country has 7,755 cases and 54 cases, but the epidemic is slowing there. If in Europe France is worried, Spain could soon be confronted with a much more serious situation . Indeed, the Iberian neighbor now has 1,695 cases for 35 deaths. Another example is Germany, with 1,565 cases but only two deaths. Several other European countries have several hundred cases :the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium and Denmark.

If the coronavirus seems to be spreading more in Latin America than in Africa, how can we not mention the United States. With 1,037 cases scattered on its territory and nearly thirty deaths, concern is obviously in order. Risks of contamination have even been mentioned concerning President Donald Trump, having recently been in contact with several elected officials who tested positive for the coronavirus. Globally, the toll of the epidemic reports nearly 120,000 cases and approximately 4,300 deaths.

The end of confinement in Wuhan?

At the heart of the most important epidemic focus, the situation continues to improve. Travel is again authorized for people in good health. This Wednesday, the Chinese authorities indicated that companies related to services and goods necessary for the daily life of the inhabitants of Wuhan could resume their activity.

The evolution curve of the number of cases has been almost flat since the beginning of March with less than a hundred new cases per day.


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