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Covid-19:10,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, 1,200 deaths in Italy, update on the epidemic

As France gradually moves towards quarantine, Italy continues to count its dead. It seems that our country, but also Spain, is following the same progression curve as neighboring Italy. In addition, Donald Trump has just declared a state of emergency in the United States.

The situation in France

The speech by the Head of State Emmanuel Macron on March 12, 2020 will not have led to the announcement of stage 3 of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. However, a Parisian doctor has estimated that our country should be placed in quarantine, which he is approaching with increasingly restrictive measures. On the evening of March 13, our country had 3,667 confirmed cases for 79 deaths , i.e. nearly 1,000 new cases and around 20 additional deaths.

As RTL explains, Prime Minister Édouard Philippe announced a ban on gatherings of more than 100 people throughout the territory. Particularly affected, the Bas-Rhin department went further by banning gatherings of more than 50 people. These measures follow the closure of all nurseries and schools in the country.

Covid-19:10,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, 1,200 deaths in Italy, update on the epidemic

More than 1,200 deaths in Italy

Placed in quarantine for almost a week, Italy remains in a difficult situation. Indeed, the latest assessment reports 1,266 deaths for 17,660 cases confirmed. Our neighbor is now by far the second country most affected by the pandemic. In addition, Italy has once again broken a record with 250 new deaths reported over a day.

According to France Info, 70% of victims are men and the average age is just over 80. However, it was once again reminded that while most of the victims are elderly men, the coronavirus also attacks younger individuals with no medical history.

The state of emergency in the United States

A few days ago, President Donald Trump announced the ban on entry into the territory of European Union nationals. As Liberation explains on March 13, the head of state took a very important new decision by declaring a state of emergency in the United States . If at first, the person concerned was accused of having minimized the scale of the pandemic, this one seems to want to catch up. Donald Trump would like to "unleash the full force of the resources of the federal government". There is also talk of a new partnership with the private sector. The goal? Increase and accelerate the means deployed to test the coronavirus on US soil.

With 1,681 cases for 41 deaths , the United States is in 8th place in the ranking of infected countries. This country is overtaken by other countries such as Iran (11,364 cases / 514 deaths), South Korea (8,086 / 72) or Spain (5,232 / 133). Globally, the report shows 145,297 confirmed cases (+10,000 in 24 hours) for 5,412 deaths (+427 in 24 hours) and 72,497 cases of remission.


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