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Coronavirus:212 cases and 4 deaths in France, possible mutation of the virus in Iran, update on the epidemic

In France, the bar of 200 cases of coronavirus has been crossed and President E. Macron has spoken. Our country is the second new source of infection in Europe after Italy. In Iran, faced with an impressive number of deaths, the concern concerns a possible mutation of the virus.

The situation in France

As Ouest France explains , France had this evening of March 3 212 cases confirmed of Covid-19 and 4 deaths . The number of cases has doubled in just three days while a week ago our country had only 12 cases. From now on, France is considered as one of the main new centers of infection in Europe with Italy, where the situation is more than worrying.

During a visit to the crisis center of the Ministry of Health, President E. Macron spoke of “a phase that will last for weeks and even without a doubt months ". According to the head of state, it is a question of curbing the epidemic and then of fighting against it. The person concerned indicated that everyone must be aware of a mobilization that will be long-term but that “we are ready ". On March 4, the President will convene a Special Defense Council on the epidemic before the Council of Ministers.

Coronavirus:212 cases and 4 deaths in France, possible mutation of the virus in Iran, update on the epidemic

A mutation of the coronavirus in Iran?

With 2,336 confirmed cases and 77 deaths , Iran is of great concern. This country has the highest number of deaths after China and the third highest number of cases after China and South Korea. Besides the rapid increase in cases, Iran faces a different death rate. Indeed, the mortality rate of Covid-19 usually oscillates between 2 and 3%. In the case of Iran we are now at 5.5% after a rate of 12% a few days ago.

As L'Express explains , the number of deaths would be reduced according to some local doctors. Nevertheless, fears relate to a possible mutation of Covid-19 , i.e. a more aggressive variant. Let us cite the case of a 50-year-old athletic man with no history, whose condition deteriorated very quickly until death. Doctors say coronavirus could generate myocarditis , in other words, an inflammation of the heart muscle.

Elsewhere in the world

According to the South China Morning Post , the latest assessment reports 92,260 cases for 3,135 deaths and 48,002 cases of remission. Officially, the epidemic is receding in China but the fear of local authorities concerns the appearance of imported cases of coronavirus with the return of Chinese citizens from Italy. In this country, the first focus of infection in Europe (2,036 cases and 52 deaths), the situation has recently become less serious than in Iran.

First focus of global infection after China, South Korea. If the number of deaths seems to be stagnating, the number of cases is still increasing (5,186 cases for 31 deaths). Besides Japan and its 284 + 706 cases (Diamond Princess), other countries are in a worrying situation . This is the case of Germany (196 cases), Spain (150 + 1 death), and especially the United States which, with 108 cases for 9 deaths, can also fear the worst.


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