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Covid-19:France in stage 3, Spain in almost total quarantine, update on the pandemic

Less than a week after the start of total quarantine in Italy, France has decided to move to stage 3 of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic. Only businesses and establishments essential to daily life remain open. In three days, the number of cases has indeed doubled in our country. At the same time, Spain imposes an almost total quarantine on its population.

France moves to stage 3

As the Huffington Post reports, Director General of Health Jérôme Salomon announced the move to stage 3 this March 14, 2020. According to the person concerned, the French population is facing a “beginning and rapid epidemic on the national territory” . You should know that the number of coronavirus cases has doubled in just three days! Our country now has 4,480 confirmed cases for 91 deaths . In addition, around 300 people are in serious condition.

In general, the authorities recommend that citizens limit contact with relatives and stay at home as much as possible. Moreover, President Emmanuel Macron had also encouraged teleworking in order to limit travel. Prime Minister Édouard Philippe said that you only had to go out to “do essential shopping, do some exercise and to vote” . Indeed, the first round of the municipal elections of this Sunday, March 15 is maintained. However, bars, restaurants, and "non-essential" businesses are closed .

About two weeks ago, we indicated what a transition to stage 3 of the epidemic in France would entail. This is the highest level of a plan that has existed since 2011 , developed after the 2009 influenza A (H1N1) pandemic.

Covid-19:France in stage 3, Spain in almost total quarantine, update on the pandemic

Almost total quarantine in Spain

In a very short period of time, Spain has overtaken France in the number of cases and deaths. In 24 hours, the Iberian neighbor declared no less than 1,500 new cases. The country now has 6,391 confirmed cases for 195 deaths . As Le Point explains, Spanish Minister Pedro Sanchez announced measures to deal with the spread of the epidemic. Citizens will no longer be able to leave their homes unless it is to go to work or go shopping. In reality, the trips deemed superfluous are banned. In addition, businesses that do not sell basic necessities will be closed.

Spain, to a greater degree than France, follows the progression curve of Italy, the second most affected country in the world after China. On the evening of March 14, the Italian neighbor had 21,157 confirmed cases for 1,441 deaths. In addition, the situation in Germany is beginning to cause concern with 4,585 cases (i.e. more than France), although the number of deaths (9) is very low. Either way, the whole of Europe is affected. There is indeed not a single country spared by the pandemic.

Elsewhere in the world

Let's first mention Iran, the third most affected country with 12,729 cases and 611 deaths . However, the epidemic seems to have stabilized for a few days following the application of drastic measures. Then we find South Korea which seems to have completely contained the epidemic. With its 8,086 cases for 72 deaths , this country has been a model of management since the balance sheet has hardly worsened. We should also mention the United States – having declared a state of emergency – facing a surge in its balance sheet with 2,726 cases for 54 deaths.

In Latin America and Africa, the virus is gradually spreading. Many Caribbean islands now have cases of coronavirus, as do all countries in South America. In the lead, we find Brazil with 151 cases . About half of African countries are affected. The most worrying situations are those of Egypt (109 cases / 9 deaths), Algeria (37 / 2) and South Africa (38 cases). In Asia, several countries (excluding China, Japan and Korea) have between 100 and 300 cases . These include the Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Singapore and India. Globally, the toll is 156,391 confirmed cases for 5,798 deaths and 75,751 people healed.


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