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Covid-19:7,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, Macron speaks at 8 p.m., update on the epidemic

In just one day, the world has accumulated approximately 7,200 new cases of coronavirus and 330 additional deaths. France could move to stage 3 very soon, while Italy is seeing its situation worsen further with the announced closure of all shops (except pharmacies and food shops). In addition, the United States has just banned the entry of travelers from Europe.

Emmanuel Macron speaks tonight at 8 p.m.

On the evening of March 11, France had 2,284 cases for 48 deaths . In other words, there are 500 new cases and 15 additional deaths compared to the previous day. Our country is still at stage 2 of the epidemic, but stage 3 could be declared very soon. President Emmanuel Macron plans a first solemn declaration on TV tonight at 8 p.m. Will he announce the transition to stage 3? He should mainly try to reassure the French by recalling the total mobilization of the government in the management of the crisis.

According to the Minister of Health Olivier Véran, there are disparities between regions . Indeed, some have hundreds of cases and others dozens. According to the person concerned, the coronavirus is not actively circulating throughout the territory, which would justify maintaining it in stage 2. The Minister also recalled the existence of around ten situations of grouping of cases (clusters). These include Haute-Savoie, Oise, the city of Mulhouse and other cities in Morbihan, Calvados, Corsica, Hérault and Aude. In total, 420,000 students are now "deprived" of school and 60,000 employees on technical unemployment (for 3,600 companies).

Covid-19:7,000 new cases worldwide in 24 hours, Macron speaks at 8 p.m., update on the epidemic

Europeans banned from entering the United States

With 1,312 cases for 38 deaths , the United States is concerned about the situation in Europe. It must be said that Italy – although placed in quarantine – is seeing its toll increase:12,462 cases for 827 deaths . In addition, Spain is in a similar situation to France with 2,277 cases for 55 deaths. The situation in other countries such as Germany (1,966 cases / 3 deaths) also remains worrying. Moreover, the fact is that no European country is spared by the coronavirus.

As Ouest France points out, President Donald Trump has just banned entry into the United States travelers from the European Union. This measure will come into force on March 13 and will be effective for 30 days. Moreover, the Head of State did not hesitate to deplore the absence of similar measures on the part of European countries. Please note, however, that this decision will not affect the United Kingdom.

The global toll of the coronavirus epidemic is now 126,289 confirmed cases and 4,629 deaths . We should also mention the healing of more than 68,000 patients. Compared to the previous day, the world has about 7,200 new cases and more than 330 additional deaths. It should also be remembered that the WHO has declared that now there is talk of a pandemic extended to the whole world. If the epidemic slows down in China and South Korea, Europe is in bad shape. Iran which, with now 9,000 cases and 354 deaths, remains the third most affected country by the coronavirus epidemic.


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