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Coronavirus:nearly 340,000 cases in the United States, a little hope in France and Italy, update on the pandemic

The United States, whose situation has deteriorated considerably, seems to be preparing for the worst. This week could indeed be the most difficult since the start of the epidemic. In Europe, and particularly in Italy, there is hope for an improvement, but this remains to be qualified. In France, the number of new people admitted to intensive care has decreased.

USA:the worst is yet to come

As everyone knows, President Donald Trump took the Covid-19 pandemic lightly not so long ago. From now on, the head of state must regret his attitude in the face of the incredible outbreak of cases hitting the United States for two weeks now. Now, this country has one of the most severe balance sheets on the planet:337,620 confirmed cases for 9,643 deaths . If the number of deaths is not the highest in the world since Italy and Spain are more seriously affected, the United States could, at such a rate, overtake these two countries in a few days.

As Le Monde explains, the United States has reported approximately 1,200 deaths in the past 24 hours . In addition, almost half of the total deaths occurred in New York City (more than 4,200). Federal Public Health Services Administrator Jerome Adams predicted a "bad week “, a similar moment to Pearl Harbor or even September 11, 2001.

Coronavirus:nearly 340,000 cases in the United States, a little hope in France and Italy, update on the pandemic

Relative stabilization in Europe

If the atmosphere in the United States is fearful, Europe is beginning to see the end of the tunnel. In Italy, 525 deaths were reported in one day, the lowest number for more than two weeks. The Italian toll today stands at 128,948 cases for 15,887 deaths . These signs of improvement are more relative in Spain, which now has more cases than Italy, namely 131,646 for 12,641 deaths. In France, the latest assessment reports 93,780 cases for 8,078 deaths . The rate of deaths and hospitalizations in intensive care seems to be slowing down, but nothing is gained. Indeed, vigilance must remain the watchword as the country attacks its fourth week of confinement tomorrow. In the meantime, around 7,000 patients are still in intensive care. Note that a clinical trial with sea worm blood begins this Monday in France. "It consists of administering to patients a solution derived from the blood of a sea worm with oxygenating properties 40 times greater than our red blood cells" , explains RFI.

The stabilization of the pandemic in Europe is, however, quite relative. If Germany is managing the situation rather well with just over 100,000 cases for "only" 1,584 deaths, the United Kingdom is starting to really worry. Across the Channel, the toll is now 48,440 cases for 4,934 deaths , i.e. a mortality exceeding 10%. The Netherlands also has a similar death rate with 18,953 cases for 1,766 deaths. Let's also mention the case of Sweden, which is now much less peaceful with nearly 17,000 cases and 400 deaths.

Elsewhere in the world

While the situation seems settled in China and South Korea, that of Iran has finally stabilized. The main focus of the pandemic in the Middle East now has 58,226 cases for 3,603 deaths. Moreover, if the virus does not cause such a large outbreak in Africa, Latin America is a little more worrying . Take for example Brazil, which now has 11,281 cases and 487 deaths.

Finally, the global toll reports almost 1.3 million cases for almost 70,000 deaths . More than 260,000 people have been healed.