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Coronavirus:gatherings of more than 1,000 people banned, 300,000 students deprived of school, update on the epidemic

While the bar of 1,000 cases of Covid-19 coronavirus has been largely exceeded in France, Italy is preparing to join South Korea in this regarding the number of cases. Our neighbor has paralyzed almost all of the north of its territory to deal with the epidemic.

The situation in France

According to the latest figures published on the evening of Sunday March 8, the coronavirus epidemic reports 1,209 cases and 19 deaths in France. These figures are also confirmed by the real-time map of Johns Hopkins University. If our country still remains at stage 2, stage 3 is on the horizon.

In addition, new measures have been taken such as the ban on gatherings of more than 1,000 people . In Oise and Haut-Rhin, 300,000 students are deprived of school this Monday. In addition, the Minister of Health Olivier Véran explained that he intended to sign a decree aimed at making the use of telemedicine more flexible as of Monday. The goal? Slow down the spread of the coronavirus at all costs.

Paralyzed Italy

As we mentioned this weekend, Italy has taken quarantine measures on its territory. From now on, Lombardy (Milan) and 14 provinces of northern Italy are closed. As Le Temps explains, our neighbor reported 133 additional deaths in a single day. Now, the balance sheet is 7,375 cases for 366 deaths.

It should be noted, however, that Italy now has almost the same number of cases as South Korea. This country was however far ahead a few days ago but has "only" about fifty deaths. It should also be remembered that this quarantine in Italy concerns no less than 17 million citizens!

Coronavirus:gatherings of more than 1,000 people banned, 300,000 students deprived of school, update on the epidemic

Elsewhere in the world

The situation remains worrying on a global scale since today, no less than 98 countries are concerned by the coronavirus epidemic. In total, the world has approximately 110,000 cases for 3,825 deaths . However, more than 60,000 patients are saved. If Italy is by far the most affected European country, Germany completes the podium behind France with more than a thousand cases. We can mention in passing Spain (673 cases / 17 deaths) and Switzerland (337 / 2).

The two other major world centers remain South Korea (7,382 cases / 50 deaths) and Iran (6,566 / 194). Moreover, how not to mention the United States (554 / 17) and Japan with 502 cases on its soil and 696 on the Diamond Princess ship. Not long ago, we mentioned the fear of a broadcast in Africa, where the means are much less important. Now there are 49 cases and one death in Egypt and 19 in Algeria.


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