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Covid-19:Europe is closing and confining itself, nearly 180,000 cases worldwide, update on the epidemic

This time, France has taken measures that have never been in force in peacetime in our country. The government's new total containment plan put in place today will be effective for a period of at least fifteen days. Elsewhere in the world, the pandemic continues to gain ground.

France in general confinement

The term "sanitary warfare" is now relevant. After President Emmanuel Macron spoke, Interior Minister Christophe Castaner spoke of a deployment of 100,000 police and gendarmes throughout the territory. The goal? Ensure the effectiveness of the new general containment plan put in place from this Tuesday, March 17, 2020. This extraordinary situation should last at least two weeks. Christophe Castaner did not mince his words by indicating that the watchword for the population was clearly to stay at home.

As of Monday evening, the authorities set up checkpoints on the main and secondary traffic axes. Citizens also received an SMS alert (see below). This indicated that outings were possible only on presentation of a certificate (on honour) and only in specific cases. It may be an impossibility to stay in telework, a health issue or a need to run errands.

Covid-19:Europe is closing and confining itself, nearly 180,000 cases worldwide, update on the epidemic

In addition, the Minister recalled that these emergency measures were essentially the same as those adopted by the Italian and Spanish neighbors in an attempt to stem the coronavirus epidemic Covid-19. Remember that on the evening of March 16, 2020, our country had 6,650 cases for 148 deaths.

Here is the certificate to complete, you can download it from the government website, here.

Covid-19:Europe is closing and confining itself, nearly 180,000 cases worldwide, update on the epidemic

Elsewhere in the world

The global toll of the coronavirus pandemic reports nearly 180,000 cases and more than 7,000 deaths and nearly 80,000 cases of remission. Close to us, the situation in Italy is the most worrying with 27,980 confirmed cases and 2,158 deaths . As for Spain, it has 9,942 cases for 342 deaths . In Europe, there are also Germany (7,272 cases / 17 deaths), Switzerland (2,330 / 19) and the United Kingdom (1,553 / 55).

Now let's talk about the other continents. If the situation improves in China and South Korea, the case of Iran remains worrying with 14,991 cases for 853 deaths . How not to mention the United States, whose concern is growing more and more with 4,661 cases for 85 deaths.

A large majority of countries around the world are now affected by the coronavirus epidemic. South America and Africa are seeing the epidemic spread and are expected to be the third wave after Asia and Europe.


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