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Covid-19:extension of confinement in France, the Olympic Games probably postponed, update on the pandemic

While the Council of State has rejected the request for total confinement in France, the current state of confinement could be extended beyond the end of the month Of March. In addition, Japan has announced an almost inevitable postponement of the Olympic Games because of the coronavirus.


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What about confinement in France?

In confinement for a week, France feared the arrival of even more drastic measures. Nevertheless, "total containment" will ultimately not take place, at least not immediately. This measure was indeed rejected by the Council of State this weekend. However, the current lockdown situation originally scheduled for two weeks will likely be extended . This Monday, March 23, 2020, the scientific council created to fight against Covid-19 will give its opinion on the subject.

In addition, President Emmanuel Macron will meet in parallel with the moral and religious authorities of the country. The goal? Discuss the moral cohesion of the country in the face of this health crisis. Today, our country officially has 16,243 confirmed cases for 674 deaths. A second doctor has died of Coronavirus, He is a gynecologist-obstetrician at the Diaconat-Foundry clinic in Mulhouse. Contaminated by a patient, he died this Sunday in Dijon after being intubated for a week.

Covid-19:extension of confinement in France, the Olympic Games probably postponed, update on the pandemic

A Europe massively affected by the coronavirus

France is the fourth most affected European country in number of cases behind Germany, Spain and especially Italy. The latter has almost 60,000 cases for nearly 5,500 deaths . Spain has 28,873 cases for 1,772 deaths. Germany has more cases than France (28,873), but the death toll remains well below (94). The other most affected European countries are Switzerland (7,474 cases/98 deaths), the United Kingdom (5,745/281), the Netherlands (4,217/179), Austria (3,582/16) and Belgium (3,401/75). Nearly a dozen other countries have more than a thousand cases.

Elsewhere in the world, the United States continues to see its balance sheet increase rapidly with more than 35,000 cases for more than 400 deaths . In the top ten most affected countries, we find Iran with 21,638 cases for 1,685 deaths. Globally, the number of cases is close to 340,000 for more than 14,500 deaths and about 100,000 cases of remission.

The Olympics will surely be postponed

Despite fears at the start of the coronavirus outbreak, Japan's official toll is "only" 1,101 cases and 41 deaths. While several other Asian countries are no longer immune to the rise in cases, the International Olympic Committee (IOC) has spoken out about the 2020 Summer Olympics scheduled for Tokyo. The committee dismisses the possibility of a cancellation and talks instead of a postponement . However, this postponement may well be inevitable, but the IOC will give itself about a month to make its final decision.

However, the expectation of this decision does not sit well with everyone . Dina Asher-Smith (UK), the reigning 200m world champion, spoke on the matter. The person concerned said that for another month, athletes will have to scramble to find solutions in order to continue training while putting staff, loved ones and themselves at risk.

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