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Covid-19:Nearly 1 million cases worldwide and 47,000 deaths, update on the pandemic

The United States, the country with the most cases of Covid-19 in the world in recent days, is facing a difficult situation. The increase in the number of deaths continues almost everywhere, especially in Europe where Italy, Spain and France together total more than 25,000 deaths.

An inexorable outbreak in the United States

With 216,515 cases of Covid-19 on its territory, the United States is by far the most affected country. During the day from April 1 to 2, 25,200 new cases were declared. However, the country is "only" in third place when it comes to the number of deaths. However, authorities recorded 884 new deaths in a single day , a real leap bringing the total to 5,116.

After long denying the danger posed by Covid-19, President Donald Trump is now much less dashing. This weekend, the person concerned spoke of “difficult days” waiting for citizens. Shortly after, the latter declared:"History will judge that we have been too late" . According to the advice of its experts, the White House estimates that the epidemic will cause between 100,000 and 200,000 deaths in the country if distancing measures are respected social. Moreover, it is a question of a number ten times greater in the event that no measure has been adopted.

Covid-19:Nearly 1 million cases worldwide and 47,000 deaths, update on the pandemic

The situation in France

Our country has just posted its worst record since the start of the global Covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, the authorities have just declared 509 new deaths in hospital, bringing the total to 4032 since the start of the epidemic. In addition, deaths in nursing homes are still unknown. France still ranks 7th in the ranking of the most affected countries with 57,763 confirmed cases.

This April 1, the president's spokesperson, Sibeth Ndiaye, said that the government was working on different scenarios for exiting confinement. However, the person concerned recalls that it is a little early to organize a way out of the crisis. Indeed, it is above all incumbent on us to gather more scientific data. In any case, the authorities are already thinking about the deconfinement management but also afterwards.

Elsewhere in the world

Behind the United States, the two most affected countries are obviously Italy and Spain. The situation in these two countries does not seem to be improving. Indeed, these count respectively 110,574 and 104,118 confirmed cases for 13,155 and 9,387 deaths. Adding the French balance sheet, the three countries have more than 25,000 deaths for more than 250,000 cases. The other most affected European countries are Germany (77,981 cases / 931 deaths), the United Kingdom (29,865 / 2,352) but also the Netherlands, whose mortality rate is very high (13,696 / 1 173).

If the situation in Iran seems to be stabilizing (47,593 cases / 3,036 deaths), other countries are questioning. Examples include Turkey (15,679 / 277) or Brazil (6,931 / 244). Finally, the global balance sheet reports more than 937,000 cases for approximately 47,000 deaths.