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Simple ways to fight weight gain

Even though it's already February, many of us are still struggling to shed the unwanted pounds gained during the holiday season. Here we have listed a few tips that can help you get going again, and hopefully, get back to your goal weight.

1. Drink water. People often think they're hungry, but actually it's just thirst, so next time you're hungry, drink water first. Drinking also makes you feel full.

2. Set realistic goals. One or two pounds a week is doable.

3. Count to 10. Studies suggest that the average craving lasts only about ten minutes. So, before you give in to your urges, set your mental timer for a ten-minute timeout.

4. Eat more often. Light, frequent meals curb your appetite and boost your energy. Check your surroundings and get healthy snacks at home and at the office.

5. Use low-calorie sauces. Use fat-free products instead of mayonnaise. Mustard, vinegar, yogurt, ketchup, soy sauce, salsa and spices are very low in calories and can also be used on chicken or fish.

6. Shrink your portions. When dining out, reduce the temptation to clear your plate by setting aside a third of your meal. Ask the waitress for a doggie bag, and take it home for the next day. Also serve yourself a third less at home. This simple tactic can cut more than 500 calories a day.

7. Take it easy with alcohol. Remember that alcohol is a source of calories. A small glass of beer has 90 calories; a small glass of wine 67 calories.

8. Encourage yourself. To help you stay on track, write positive notes to yourself on the fridge and pantry.

9. Be aware. Eating while on the road or while sitting in front of the television or computer makes for quick food. Instead, sit at the table every time you eat. Make a conscious choice to sit down and enjoy every bite.

10. Eat your protein. Protein prolongs the feeling of fullness better than carbohydrates or fats. Stick to low-fat protein sources, such as low-fat yogurt, hard-boiled eggs, thinly sliced ​​turkey breast or chicken breast.

11. Learn how to measure. It's easy to get lost in portion sizes. Take out the measuring spoons and cups.

12. Make smart substitutions. Look for nutritious, low-calorie alternatives to sugary, high-fat treats. Try frozen grapes or a frozen banana instead of ice cream or pie. Rather eat popped popcorn from the microwave than the one in oil.

13. Be active. Start the day with some physical activity. Take a walk during lunch. Try a kick box or yoga class.

14. Give yourself a break to relax. No one says you have to achieve your goal without making mistakes. Tell yourself that you can succeed in losing weight by taking small steps and start again if you made a mistake.