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Simple ways to boost your energy

Do you sometimes feel lifeless as if your batteries are almost empty? You could start the day strong, but by mid-afternoon you can't go all the way. Fatigue affects everyone at one time or another. Here are some basic steps you can take to “recharge your batteries”.

Take it easy
If you're a go-getter, you probably want to keep going – but don't risk overexerting yourself. For example, instead of going briskly for two hours, spread it over morning tasks, middle tasks, and evening activities — with rest and meals in between.

Take a walk or nap
There is nothing more satisfying than taking a short nap when you are tired. However, if you have trouble sleeping at night, know that napping can make insomnia worse. If that's the case for you, get moving. Get up and walk around the neighborhood, or just at home. However, if you don't suffer from insomnia, enjoy that 20 to 30 minute power nap.

Skip supplements
You may have heard of supplements that boost energy. There is no evidence that they work. Iron only improves energy if you are clearly deficient, which a doctor can check with a blood test. Otherwise you don't have to use it - and too much iron can be harmful. It is true that B vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12) help the body convert the food into the form of energy that cells can burn, but taking more B vitamins will not recharge your cells.

Eat wisely
A sugary bun from the bakery provides a lot of calories, but your body tends to digest them quickly, and you could end up with a drop in blood sugar — and fatigue. You will maintain a more stable energy level by eating lean proteins and unrefined carbohydrates. Try yogurt with a splash of nuts, raisins, and honey. Your body will absorb the carb-fiber-protein mix more gradually. Don't skip meals. Your body needs a certain number of calories to get through the daily work. It is better to spread out your meals so that your body gets the nutrition it needs throughout the day.