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These medicines make you fat!

These medicines make you fat!

It is nothing new that medicines have side effects. But you probably didn't expect that some also provide extra kilos on the hips. These medicines are known as fatteners.


People who use insulin for diabetes often gain a lot of weight. Insulin use leads on average to an increase in weight of one to three kilos! Remarkable, because obesity is one of the main causes of diabetes. It is therefore special that this condition is treated with a drug that makes you gain weight. If you don't pay attention, you will end up in a vicious circle as a diabetes patient and you will never get rid of it! That is why it is often recommended to invest energy in losing weight, because type 2 diabetes usually disappears.

Read also: 'Less diabetes through green leafy vegetables'

Prednisone and prednisolone

These drugs, which are good for asthma, rheumatism, MS and Crohn's disease, are often life-saving, but have the side effect that you feel full less quickly, so that you often eat more than necessary. At a high dose, users often get a remarkable form of fat accumulation. The face, neck and torso thicken, while the arms and legs slim. At a high dose, people can gain 20 to 30 kilos. A high dose, on the other hand, is not often prescribed, only in acute cases and as a shock treatment. With a low dose you will see little weight gain, at most a few kilos.

The contraceptive pill

Many women think they are dealing with weight gain when using the pill or contraceptive injection. However, this has not been scientifically proven. If you did gain weight on the pill, you may be sensitive to the estrogens in the pill, which increase your appetite. Weight gain in this case is therefore not a direct result, but a possible side effect.

Antidepressants and antipsychotics

More than a million people in the Netherlands take antidepressants. Well-known types are:prozac, fluoxetine or paroxetine. An American study into weight gain with antidepressants shows that five percent of users gain fifteen to eighteen kilos in a year. Twenty percent became twelve kilos thicker. However, it depends on the person how someone reacts to the increase in weight. There is also a group of users who simply maintain their weight. The fattener is mainly in the side effect that you get thirsty from using the drug. Especially if you drink high-calorie drinks, you will see this reflected on the scale. The pitfall lies in the fact that these resources are often used for too long. People no longer dare to do without or benefit from it. While according to the NHG standards, these medicines have lost part of their effect after six months.

Source:Santé March 2015 Text:Esmir van Wering