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Alcohol and weight loss:a notorious combination

Alcohol and weight loss:a notorious combination

It is usually one of the first pieces of advice you get when you start losing weight:stop drinking alcohol.

There are several reasons for this.

An alcoholic drink consists of empty calories. Your body does not get any nutrients from it. In fact, your body treats alcohol like poison. Your liver has to break down the alcohol and that is the priority for your body. Your metabolism then temporarily gets a little less priority. Alcohol will not help you lose weight, but in any case never eat less to get fewer calories.

For one it will not be a problem to stay away from the bottle of wine in the context of your (waste) goals. If you have more trouble with it, the tips below may help you.

  1. Make agreements with yourself. Decide in advance how many drinks you are going to drink and stick to it. That way you won't regret the next day.
  2. Make some smart swaps and know what you're drinking. Wine contains fewer calories than a super sweet cocktail. You can make sure that your cocktail contains a little less calories. For example, mix with carbonated water.
  3. Don't deny yourself anything you love. Do you genuinely enjoy a good wine with dinner? Then you should be able to do that every now and then. Even if it is only half a glass.