Inflammation and irritation in your body can be the root cause of many health problems. That is why it is wise to protect yourself against these unwanted inflammatory and irritation reactions. How do you approach that? With these 5 natural ways, which will not only help you fight inflammation, but also help you feel better.
Your body repairs itself when you sleep. For example, think of a time when your stomach felt bloated, perhaps from a big evening meal right before bed. When you woke up, did you still feel so bloated? Precisely! You had an irritable reaction to food that your body was able to control overnight. When we sleep too little, genes associated with chronic inflammation/irritation are triggered. So try to get at least 7 hours of sleep a night to be able to recover properly!
Read also :'Aches and pains after eating:these are the most common causes'
There are many reasons to keep exercising regularly, but exercise is one of the most significant lifestyle choices you can make to combat inflammation and irritation. That's because exercise can decrease a C-reactive protein (CRP), which is a biomarker that triggers inflammation. So try to schedule about 150 to 400 minutes of mild exercise or 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous exercise each week. Also make sure that you do not exercise too much, because then you put your body under too much stress, which can actually have the opposite effect.
Research indicates that regular sauna sessions can help prevent acute and chronic illness by reducing the risk of inflammation and irritation. Regular sauna sessions are associated with a reduction in inflammatory markers, including fibrinogen and leukocytes (white blood cells).
The food you eat has a huge impact on your immune system. A poor (read:inflammation-stimulating) diet often contributes to irritation, which in turn can lead to chronic inflammation. Fortunately, there are a number of ways you can avoid this:Eat more vegetarian meals and focus on plant-based proteins, such as beans, nuts, seeds and tofu. It is also smart to avoid added sugars and heavily processed products, as these can also cause irritation. In addition, make sure you pay attention to the amount and type of fats you eat (go for healthy variants such as fish, walnuts and chia seeds) and make sure you get more fiber.
Spending time on yourself and applying simple forms of self-care can also help you avoid inflammation and irritation. Stress is not purely psychological, it can also have a physical impact. Acute stressors, such as being stuck in traffic or getting into an argument with your partner, can increase the level of irritation in your body, especially if you suffer from low self-esteem or depression. Therefore, try to meditate daily to lower your stress levels and reduce irritation.
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