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Counting calories

Counting calories

Forget low-carb diets. Research has shown that old-fashioned calorie counting still works best if you want to lose weight.

For Soutbeach , Atkins and our own Sonja Bakker, the advice was simple:who wants to lose weight should eat less † Scientists at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center found that when you consume fewer calories, you also lose body fat , regardless of the amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Protein and carbohydrates
A group of test subjects followed diets with different amounts of protein and the same amount of carbohydrates. Although the subjects with the least protein intake lost the most weight , it turned out that they had not burned fat, but muscle tissue. This not only entails health risks, it also causes a slower metabolism – so that you can even gain weight again in the future.

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The American Dietetic Association confirms the advice to reduce calories. “The amount of protein you need to eat is complicated by modern diets,” spokesperson Lona Shandon said. “Consumers should remember that total calorie intake is important when it comes to weight gain or loss.” So, you don't have to ban cheese and steak just yet. It is more important to look closely at the amount you eat

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