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Burn calories without exercising:6 ways to lose weight

Sweating in the gym. Or jogging along the road with my head like a buoy – hoping I don't run into anyone I know. Working out at home is of course also an option… But no, sports has never been my biggest hobby. How about you? Can you enjoy it? I would prefer to ignore all that movement, but my muffin top disagrees. So, especially for all sports haters (including myself) we list the best ways to lose weight. Burning calories without exercising is also an option!

Table of Contents

Burning calories without exercising

We all know calories. But what are those? And, perhaps even more important:how exactly do you burn those calories?

Calories is actually the collective name for the energy that enters our body through our food. Everyone has their own energy consumption. As soon as you take in more calories than you expend, you will gain weight. On average, an adult woman needs 2000 calories per day. That's 2500 calories for a man. Depending on your height and your energy consumption, this can be slightly more or less.

By exercising, you burn calories. But also at rest, when you sleep, you expend energy. The burning of calories always continues. Losing weight is easiest in the gym or on the tennis court… but burning calories without exercising is also an option! And that's good news if you're allergic to the gym. Like me. Or if you want to exercise, but have been disabled for a while due to an injury.

Burn, baby burn

I understand that you can hardly contain yourself to continue reading, so off we go.

1. While you sleep

Well, you also use energy when you sleep. “Ideal”, I hear the attentive reader think. “In that case, it's time for my beauty sleep!” According to the Nutrition Center you burn 0.9 kilocalories per kilo / per hour. If you multiply that by your weight, you know how many kilocalories you burn per hour. With a weight of 70 kilos you burn 63 kilocalories per hour. A good night's sleep can therefore already result in an energy consumption of 500 kilocalories. Make sure you sleep at least 8 hours a night. We know:that is not easy with small children. But then you burn more calories in your sleep than people who sleep less. And by the way, there are even more ways to burn calories without exercising…

2. Stand still for a moment

Of the 24 hours in a day, we spend at least 19 sitting or lying down. But did you know that just standing still burns more calories? About 50 per hour more than when you are sitting. So get in the habit of being a little more on your feet! It is also good for your circulation and your blood sugar levels. Tired of all that standing? Then you can also go for a warm bath.

3. Burn calories in bath

What could be more relaxing than taking a warm bath, you might think? Well, that turns out to be secretly hard work! For your body anyway. And the hotter the water is, the harder your body works. It has to do its best to keep everything at the right temperature. So you can burn calories without exercising! A 40 degree bath provides 130 calories burned in an hour. And it sounds a lot more appealing than an hour at the gym.

4. Cup of tea?

So it is doable, burn calories without exercising. Okay, it doesn't go very fast, but we have a tip for that too! Drink lots of green tea. It contains a substance that makes your metabolism work harder and you burn more calories. A few cups a day is enough. But don't drink more than 4 cups a day, because green tea also contains substances that you can take too much of.

5. Losing weight in the garden

Delicious, that passively burn calories without exercising. Did the bath do you good? And the cup of tea? Then you can also throw in a little more action. Not that we are going to the gym now, but did you know that you can also lose weight in your own garden? You can easily burn about 136 calories by gardening. Do you always outsource lawn mowing to husband and kids? A shame, because you can burn no less than 196 calories with that!

Last but not least, we have found a way to lose weight that appeals to almost everyone. And you don't have to put your hands in the ground.

6. Burn calories with bed sports

Burning calories without exercising is a good idea anyway. But for one sport we would like to make an exception. bed sports! That turns out to be highly recommended if you want to lose weight. Did you know that you can burn between 15 and 350 calories with sex? And you now have an extra reason to keep it up for a long time. With an extra long sex session you can burn up to 1650 calories! Oh, and take on the active role, because then it will go even faster.

Also good to know:one position takes more energy than the other. You burn the fewest calories with the missionary position. Most with the Italian Chandelier. And that's as complicated as it sounds.

By the way, there's something that hubby doesn't need to know… Faking an orgasm seems to cost almost 3 times as many calories (315) than a real orgasm (112 calories). And, if you still want to do sports together than bed sports, we have listed some workout tips for couples.