The quadriceps, located at the front of the thighs, has multiple functions :
climbing stairs, kicking a ball, jumping...
It is also used to keep strong knees.
So let's take care of it!
Fortunately, there is an exercise to keep it in shape.
All you have to do is strengthen it with a simple exercise, accessible to all:the lever. Watch:
Place your knees on the ground. Thighs, trunk and head are aligned vertically. Seen in profile, your body draws an "L".
The arms are stretched along the body. Look far ahead.
1. Tighten thighs and abs.
2. Gently tilt the thighs-trunk-head segment backwards.
3. Descend until this segment makes an angle of 30, 45 or 60 degrees with the vertical (depending on your feelings and your abilities).
4. Pause briefly (1 second) in this position.
5. Go back up to find the initial position.
To avoid possible pain in the knees, remember to keep your thighs and abs tight throughout the movement.
Do not go too low if pain appears in the knees or if the legs are shaking too much.
Remember to keep your thighs, trunk and head perfectly aligned, especially in the low position.
Do the movement slowly to make sure you are in control perfectly execution.
The muscles of the lower body are tough, so you have to repeat the movement between 10 and 20 times for optimal work.
Perform 5 sets resting 1 to 2 minutes between each.
To make the exercise more difficult, you can place your hands against your temples to increase the lever arm.
The lever is probably the best exercise to build your quadriceps .
Maintaining an upright position strengthens the abdominals and the muscles of the front neck .
After the gluteus maximus, the quadriceps is the strongest muscle in the body. Who says powerful also says greedy in calories . By operating it, therefore, a lot of energy is consumed.