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What is the best time of day to exercise?

We are approaching the middle of summer soon, so it is a little late to sculpt your dream body. However, it is never too late to start exercising. But what time of day is ideal for exercising? In reality, there would be several.

Mornings between 6 a.m. and 8 a.m.

Due to the Covid-19 pandemic and the episodes of confinement, it has been strongly recommended to practice physical activity at home. A new way of doing sport that is difficult for some people, especially teenagers. With the recent reopening of places dedicated to sport, the question no longer arises. Nevertheless, some people may wonder when is the ideal time to practice their sports. In reality, everything depends on the rhythm of life that we have adopted. Indeed, some people are more in the evening and others in the morning.

In 2019, researchers from the universities of Bath and Birmingham (UK) claimed in their study that exercise before breakfast helps burn more fat. As part of their work, they studied two groups of men in their thirties, overweight or obese. For six weeks, the men in the first group had breakfast before sports and those in the second group let off steam before eating.

According to the study leaders, the men in the second group burned twice as much fat. Thus, it is advisable to exercise before breakfast, between 6 and 8 am. In general, it boosts your body, reduces stress and eating after exercise facilitates recovery.

What is the best time of day to exercise?

Evening around 4 p.m.

Nevertheless, if exercising early in the morning is a safe bet, it seems that it is not the only one. Also in 2019, a team from the kinesiology department of McMaster University (Canada) published a study that rather evoked the middle of the afternoon. According to researchers, the best time to exercise is around 4 p.m. . At this time, digestion is complete and the body is available.

Usually the mid-afternoon break is a great time for many to indulge in a little snack. Canadian scientists suggest doing several short exercises instead in order to achieve rapid and intense movements. It can for example be a matter of doing a few squats, lunges or climbing/descending stairs. It is also possible to do a longer session in tennis, boxing, running, basketball, etc.

Finally, the least opportune time to practice a sporting activity is the beginning of the evening, around 7 or 8 p.m. And for good reason, the effort generates adrenaline which disturbs sleep. In the evening, the ideal is to prepare for sleep by relaxing the muscles. If, however, practicing a sport in the evening is a real desire (or an obligation), it is up to correctly reorganize your daily life depending on sleep cycles.