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The Complete Exercise par Excellence:Burpees.

The Complete Exercise par Excellence:Burpees.

Going back to sport?

If there was only one exercise to keep in physical preparation, it would be this one.

Coordination, strength, resistance, endurance and flexibility:it's all there.

Its execution can also be modified according to your level, so don't wait any longer:do burpees! Here's how:

The Complete Exercise par Excellence:Burpees.

Starting position

Stand with your feet slightly wider apart than the width of your pelvis. The arms are outstretched in front and the gaze is horizontal.

The knees are very slightly bent.

Execution of the exercise

1. Bend your legs, pushing your buttocks backwards. Descend as low as possible, while keeping your arms and gaze horizontal.

2. You are crouched. Place your hands flat on the floor, about 10 cm in front of your feet. The look is now in the hands.

3. Step your feet back to stretch your body (plank position), buttocks slightly raised. This step back can be done either in two stages (one leg then the other) or all at once (the legs take off at the same time).

4. Bring your feet behind your hands to return to the squat position (one leg at a time or all at once).

5. Take your hands off the ground to extend your arms in front of you. The gaze returns to the horizontal.

6. When the balance is certain, push on the legs while moving the buttocks back to return to the starting position.


It is essential to keep your back straight throughout the movement, except when placing the hands on the ground.

So be careful to not arch when you are facing the ground; rather keep the buttocks a little high.

Rhythm and repetitions

The cardiovascular fatigue caused by this exercise limits the number of repetitions. First, repeat the movement 5 times , out of 5 series with a one-minute break.

Gradually try to increase the number of sets, up to 5, then the number of repetitions. 10 reps is a reasonable goal. Afterwards, do as much as you want.


It is possible to evolve the burpee in a multitude of ways:

- By performing a push-up (flexion of the arms) in the low position. Depending on your level, you can do it with your body stretched, resting on your knees, lifting your hands slightly at the end of the movement, clapping them during the suspension...

- Finishing the extension of the legs at the end of the movement with a jump . Small jump, big jump, raising your knees or touching your heels against your buttocks... the choice is yours.


This exercise provides a full development of physical condition.

On a muscular level, it strengthens the thighs , the glutes , the pecs , the shoulders , the triceps and the abdominal belt .

It develops the aerobic condition (cardiovascular endurance) in impressive proportions.

Finally, if performed in full amplitude, it heals the joints and improves the gestural amplitude .

If you too have been seduced by burpees, leave a comment!