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How to Gain Muscle Discreetly at the Office?

How to Gain Muscle Discreetly at the Office?

You don't have time to go to the gym ?

Here's a trick to discreetly build muscle at the office!

It's not always easy, between work, transport, children, outings, fatigue, to find the motivation to go to the gym when you finally have some free time.

However, who hasn't dreamed of having the well sculpted body of Lara Croft or John McClane?

Discover our tip to optimize your time and build muscle at the office!

Sit comfortably in your chair with your back straight. Place your hands on either side.

Take a deep breath and lift your straight legs up until they are parallel to the ground.

Hold the pose for 5-10 seconds holding your breath.

Slowly release while exhaling.

Take a short break of a few seconds (you have to go slowly, huh!) and repeat the exercise a good ten times!

Here's something to build your legs and abs without being noticed!


With this trick, save time and money by building muscle in the office.

The gym is good, but not only do we not always have time to go there, but above all, it costs an arm and a leg each time! Subscriptions are often overpriced. If you do our little exercise daily, we swear, you will have beautiful muscles and above all, you will no longer have to spend a fortune on a gym that quickly turns into a torture room.

Also discover our tip for relaxing at home.