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Burpees:The Best Calorie Burning Exercise.

Burpees:The Best Calorie Burning Exercise.

What if we got back to sport?

Want to burn calories while strengthening leg and glute muscles?

Do you know burpees?

It is a complete exercise from every point of view. Why?

Because it works both endurance and muscle building.

Burpees:The Best Calorie Burning Exercise.

It strengthens the whole body while developing cardiovascular endurance, breathing and, as a result, burns a lot of calories.

Let's compare

- 1 hour walk:300 kcal (kilocalories).

- 1 hour of jogging:800 kcal.

- With burpees:1,000 kcal/h.

Suffice to say that the benefit in terms of energy expended is much greater by practicing this activity than the others.

Depending on your physical condition (strength and endurance), you can perform different forms of burpees. I will decline them according to three levels of difficulty.

Level 1:burpees without pump

1. To start gently, let's stand up. Let's flex legs making sure to keep your back straight.

2. Once crouched down, let's put our hands on the ground . We are therefore on all fours; the knees do not touch the ground.

3. Push on the legs to throw the feet back and find yourself in a plank position .

The hands haven't moved since we put them on the floor. Be careful not to arch your back:the buttocks must be slightly raised to avoid any appearance of pain (let's ask a friend to correct us if necessary).

4. Push on the legs to bring the feet close to the hands and find the position of all fours , without putting your knees on the ground.

The hands still haven't moved. Take your hands off the ground and straighten up, stretching your legs (return to the standing position). You did your first burpee!

As the reps progress and your coordination improves, try to pick up the pace . The optimal speed is the maximum speed at which the movement is perfectly controlled.

Even if this movement is carried out without difficulty, the simple fact of repeating the passage from the high position to the low position then from the low position to the high position consumes a lot of energy.

Even at level 1, burpees are incredibly effective.

Level 2:burpees with push-ups

1. As for level 1, let's squat down and then put our hands on the ground. Let's throw the feet back again.

2. Once the body is stretched, flex the arms to touch the chest on the ground, then straighten them (realization of a pump).

3. Let's bring the feet close to the hands, squat down and then return to the standing position.

This exercise assumes you know how to do a full push-up. If this is not the case, no discomfort:bend your arms only slightly . As the sessions progress, the strength will come and you will be able to go lower.

Be patient and accept to progress slowly, but surely.

Level 3:burpees with push-ups and jumps

1. Let's go back to the burpee as performed in level 2.

2. When we stand up completely, push on the legs so that we get off the ground (jump).

Be careful to dampen the landing of the jump, trying to completely muffle its noise. Your neighbors will thank you, and your knees too.

Adding a jump significantly increases calorie expenditure. After only a few repetitions, ordinary mortals will find it... deadly.

Have a strong heart!

How many repetitions?

Adjust the number of sets and repetitions to your physical condition and your goal.

• If you want to lose weight and therefore consume a lot of calories:favor long series of 10 repetitions with 30 s to 1 min of recovery. Repeat 5 times.

• If you prefer to develop your strength, it is better to choose a smaller format and a more intense effort:5 repetitions with 2 min recovery. Repeat 5 times.

Choose the level on which you can hold this number of repetitions and that you feel capable of achieving.

For burpees to be really effective and for you to quickly feel the effects on your body, I advise you to schedule at least 2 sessions per week, but 3 would really be ideal!

Your turn...

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