If there is a must-have exercise to build thighs and glutes, that's the squat.
In English, to squat means to squat .
Discover it in its simplest form!
And then let's see how to make it evolve for an archi-complete work, as much for the muscles as for the endurance.
Stand up, legs very slightly bent. The feet are a little further apart than the width of the pelvis.
The gaze and the chin are horizontal, the back straight, neither arched nor arched. Raise your arms in front of you, horizontally.
1. Bend your legs, moving your buttocks back back.
2. Go down until your thighs are at 45 degrees. If your condition allows it, go lower (horizontally, even until the back of the thighs touches the back of the calves).
3. Push on your thighs and buttocks to return to the initial position.
It is imperative to come down by moving your buttocks back and not by bringing the knees forward, otherwise they will quickly become painful.
Make sure that the knees point in the same direction as the feet point, so slightly outside .
The back must remain straight , neither hollow nor round, throughout the execution. This requires significant work on the abdominal strap (abdominal and lumbar).
The descent must be controlled and the more explosive ascent. For better sensations, you can pause in the low position.
Lower body muscles are naturally tough muscles (compared to upper body muscles), so you need to do lots of reps to solicit them effectively.
I recommend at least 10 repetitions, but this number can easily go up to 20, 30 or more depending on your physical condition.
5 series are a good starting point. Breaks between each set should not exceed one minute.
The squat develops the lower body , the abdominal strap and the cardiovascular system . By increasing the speed of execution and the repetitions, it is an exercise that quickly becomes greedy in calories.
To make more use of the adductors (inner thighs), increase the spacing of the feet.
For more targeted work on the quadriceps (front of the thighs), stick your feet together. Pay attention to the balance!
To exercise your calves , you can complete the movement by rising on tiptoe.
In the psynetic method, I recommend practicing the squat regularly to be in good physical shape.