After a meal, you may sometimes feel bloated, as if you have swallowed air.
Of course, aerophagia is not necessarily linked to food.
Stress can also be the cause.
But most of the time, bloating is food-related.
Fortunately, there is a grandmother's remedy to stop swelling after meals.
This natural remedy is to use a essential oil blend of lemon, peppermint and tarragon . Watch:
1. Take a small bottle of 5 or 10 ml.
2. Add in equal amounts of essential oil of lemon, peppermint and tarragon.
3. Shake to mix the oils well.
4. After each meal, take a drop of this mixture on breadcrumbs.
5. Take this preparation until symptoms improve.
And There you go ! Your belly will thus stop swelling after each meal :-)
No more aerophagia attacks that hurt your stomach!
This natural treatment is simple, practical and effective.
And it relieves you quickly and naturally.
If you don't have bread crumbs on hand, pour a drop of this mixture on a spoonful of honey.
Lemon, peppermint and tarragon essential oils are particularly effective in aiding digestion.
They relieve bloating and reduce the feeling of heaviness .
Aerophagia is the fact of absorbing too much air when we eat.
This may be due to an unsuitable diet (fizzy drink, food that swells like hot bread...).
But that's not all...
There may be causes related to stress, for example, or eating too quickly. Aerophagia can indeed be of nervous origin.
This causes bloating, pain during digestion.
And there is worse! As if it weren't enough to have a stomach ache, this air sometimes comes out in a not very graceful way. And it can be annoying.
The use of essential oils is not without danger. They are active and powerful natural elements.
Before using essential oils, be sure to read the precautions for use. And consult a specialist who will tell you the contraindications.
If the seizures do not go away, see a doctor to determine the cause.