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Strengthen your Abdominals and Thighs with the "Accordion".

Strengthen your Abdominals and Thighs with the  Accordion .

Here's a fun, effective, no-materials little exercise that will strengthen your abs and the front of the thighs. Muscle up with the Accordion!

Starting position

On all fours facing the ground, arms outstretched and knees on the ground. Arms and thighs are vertical.

The head is in line with the trunk.

Execution of the Exercise

  1. Tighten abs.

  2. Push up on your legs to lift your knees off the floor. Stretch your legs so that your buttocks are in the air.

  3. Return to the initial position without the knees touching the ground.


If your shoulders get tired supporting the weight of your body, this exercise can quickly become unpleasant. To build abdominal muscles, prefer crunches that will spare your shoulders.

In the starting position, the back should not arch. On the other hand, to relieve yourself of any pain in this area, you can perform the exercise with the arched back .

Rhythm and Repetitions

This exercise should be done in long sets , of at least 10 repetitions. If you can't do this, go gradually, adding new repetitions with each session.

Perform 3 sets, resting 30 seconds between each.


The accordion is excellent for the abdominals . It helps to relieve lower back pain by placing the back in a good position.

It also works the quadriceps (front of the thighs), more or less intensely depending on the variant practiced (see below).


  • Take off the tips of the feet at the end of the push (small jump).

  • Perform the movement on one leg to intensify the work of the quadriceps.

  • For the most efficient:combine the two variants (on one leg with a small jump).

The accordion is a dynamic and playful version of the board. Let me know your impressions or your questions in the comments and I will be happy to answer them.