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Hugging is the best morning exercise

Hugging is the best morning exercise

Start your day with cuddling, that keeps a person fit and healthy. Touching each other is the ideal morning exercise, according to an American professor.

Not a morning person and don't feel like doing any physical exertion for the first few hours? If you want energy, it's best to start the morning right away with a hug. For example, by hugging your partner, the blood circulation is activated, so that stress and nervous thoughts disappear.

Not only does cuddling help our emotions, our body also benefits from it. The heart and respiratory organs are stimulated to do extra work, even the liver gets an extra impulse.

The American professor conducted research on fifty couples. The partners who practiced cuddling as a morning exercise appeared to have better cholesterol and blood pressure values. The performance also turned out to be a lot better. According to the research, they also get going faster and increase concentration while driving and in the workplace.