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Grow with the “Fan Stretch”.

Grow with the “Fan Stretch”.

Developing flexibility is as important as working energy . A psynetic method session must therefore incorporate both bodybuilding and stretching movements. The fan will allow you to relax and soften all the muscles that make up the sides of the body.

Starting position

Stand up, look straight ahead.

Stand your feet about 1 meter apart (your thighs should be roughly at right angles).

Raise your arms to the sides, until horizontal.

Execution of the Exercise

  • Bend your trunk to your right.

  • During the inclination of the trunk, the right arm comes to rest on the right knee, and the left arm is above the head, horizontally. It points to the right.

  • Hold this position for a while, concentrating on the feeling of stretch produced on the left part of the body, which extends from the pelvis to the triceps.

  • Return to the starting position.

  • Repeat the movement to the left.


It is important to stay in the “frontal” plane throughout the exercise. This means that you should be able to perform the exercise with your back against a wall, touching it with your whole body.

Be careful not to pull too hard on the oblique muscles (the flanks) so as not to risk tearing them.

Make the ascent very gently by pressing on the support arm and counterbalancing it with the free arm to lighten the effort.

Rhythm and Repetitions

Like most stretches, this one should be done very slowly in order to relax the muscle and soften it.

Hold the position 20 breaths on each side .


The fan softens the oblique muscles, the small and large rounds (lateral dorsals), the outside of the pectorals and the triceps.

It relaxes deeply and you come out "grown".


To make the exercise easier, place your support hand on your thighs.

To intensify it, lower it to the calf or even to the ankle.

If you have a comment or a question, leave a comment. Enjoy your relaxation!