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Covid-19:Europe between extension of confinement and gradual relaunch of activity, update on the pandemic

As President Emmanuel Macron is due to speak tonight, the number of deaths has exceeded 14,000 in our country. If the European Union advises to extend the confinement of the elderly until the end of the year, several countries are already preparing to start deconfinement.

The situation in France

The latest assessment in France of the Covid-19 epidemic reports 133,670 cases and 14,393 deaths. As indicated by France 24, there were 561 additional deaths in 24 hours, including 310 in hospital. On the evening of April 12, 2020, there were 31,826 people hospitalized and 6,845 patients in intensive care. We should also mention a balance sheet of 27,186 cases of remission. You should know that the decrease in the number of intensive care patients continues for the fourth consecutive day (-35).

President Emmanuel Macron plans to speak in a speech on the evening of April 13. While France has been in confinement since March 17, he should announce an extension of confinement at least until mid-May . If the authorities had raised the issue of deconfinement last week, it seems that the current situation does not lend itself to it.

Covid-19:Europe between extension of confinement and gradual relaunch of activity, update on the pandemic

More than 20,000 deaths in the United States

This weekend, the United States officially became the country most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. The balance sheet currently reports more than 555,000 confirmed cases for approximately 22,000 deaths . On April 12, 2020, local authorities recorded no less than 1,514 new deaths, a number that has been falling for two days now.

As Le Monde explains, the American judicial authorities have mentioned the coronavirus. This can be considered a biological agent potentially used as a weapon . The fact is that the Ministry of Justice now invites the police to severely punish offenses related to the deliberate spread of Covid-19. However, these offenses could be punished as if it were an act of terrorism.

Containment until the end of the year for the elderly?

In several countries of the European Union, we are observing a timid drop in tension in hospitals . This is obviously a sign that confinement is bearing fruit. On the other hand, the President of the European Commission Ursula van der Leyen indicated that the elderly would have to limit contact with their environment at least until the end of the year. In other words, the EU could organize a confinement by age.

Start of deconfinement in several countries

Several European countries have already chosen to ease containment measures in the future. From this Monday, Spain authorizes the partial resumption of work in order to revive its economy. However, employees must wear a mask if they take public transport. Austria has announced the reopening of small businesses from April 14, of all businesses on May 1, then schools, restaurants and hotels on May 15. Denmark will reopen its crèches, nursery schools and primary schools on April 15. It will then be the turn of colleges and high schools on May 10. However, it will be necessary to wait longer before a reopening of restaurants is announced. For its part, Norway will reopen its crèches on April 20 and then part of the colleges, high schools and universities on April 27. Finally, Switzerland will announce its deconfinement plan on April 16.

Elsewhere in the world

In Europe, the situation in Spain and Italy is stabilizing with 166,831 and 156,363 confirmed cases respectively. With 19,899 deaths, Italy nevertheless remains ahead of Spain with 17,209 deaths. In the UK, the number of deaths has exceeded 10,000 for around 85,000 cases. As for Germany, its efforts have resulted in a much more honorable balance sheet (127,854 cases / 3,022 deaths).

Elsewhere, Turkey is of great concern, with a death toll of 1,198 from 56,956 cases. If Iran has stabilized (71,866 cases / 4,474 deaths), other countries such as Brazil are causing concern (22,318 / 1,230). Globally, the balance sheet reports 1.85 million cases for more than 114,000 deaths.