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Covid-19:250,000 infected worldwide, millions of lives at stake according to WHO, update on the pandemic

As France prepares to establish a state of health emergency, in Italy the number of deaths has just exceeded that of China. Around the world, the situation in many states is getting worse and the 10,000 death mark has been crossed. UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres warned on Thursday that millions of lives were at stake.

France will adopt the health emergency

On the evening of March 19, 2020, the latest assessment of the Covid-19 coronavirus epidemic in our country reported 11,010 cases for 372 deaths . No less than 108 people have died in the past 24 hours and more than 1,100 people are currently in intensive care. Now, the number of cases is doubling every two days, according to Director General of Health Jérome Salomon.

Currently, President Emmanuel Macron is leading a new defense council. Yesterday, the head of state lamented that too many French people were taking the confinement instructions lightly. These are indeed far from being respected since many citizens still go to parks, beaches and other open markets. Above all, the establishment of a state of health emergency has been passed by the Senate, the bill is due to go through Parliament this Friday. The population is waiting for the measures that will be taken during this period. In particular, there is talk of a containment that could last six weeks or even more and more drastic containment. In Nice, a curfew is already in place at 8 p.m.

Covid-19:250,000 infected worldwide, millions of lives at stake according to WHO, update on the pandemic

More deaths in Italy than in China

Counting today 41,035 confirmed cases for 3,405 deaths , Italy has just passed a milestone. Indeed, the transalpine neighbor now has more deaths than China for half as many cases. In a single day, 427 people died, including 300 in Lombardy alone. In this total, it is necessary to cite 4,440 cases of remissions but above all, 2,498 patients in intensive care.

In Europe, Spain now has 18,077 cases and has practically joined Iran . However, the number of deaths is not the same:833 for Spain against 1,284. In addition, the number of infected people is increasing sharply in Germany with 15,320 cases today. However, the number of deaths has changed little (44). We should also mention Switzerland, in a significant situation with 4,164 cases and 73 deaths.

If China seems to see the end of the tunnel – just like South Korea – the United States is seeing its number of patients explode. Indeed, this country now has 14,250 cases and is approaching the 200 death mark . This March 19, all of California was placed in containment. Globally, the toll of the coronavirus pandemic reports approximately 247,000 cases and more than 10,000 deaths.


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