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Coronavirus:here is the online test that helps you detect the disease

Coronavirus:a doctor recently piloted the development of a simple and quick questionnaire, available online, the aim of which is to guide patients as well as possible to avoid the saturation of the "15".


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More than eight in ten French people (81%) now say they are worried about the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus in the country, according to a survey by Elabe-Berger Levrault published a few days ago. This is 20 points more than at the end of last week. An almost general feeling of anxiety which, inevitably, led tens of thousands of people to call the "15".

"Our business has more than doubled in ten days , explained a few days ago Professor Xavier Combes, head of the Samu-Smur service at the Bordeaux University Hospital, in the columns of 20 Minutes. (…)We have gone from 1,000 calls to around 2,500 calls per day, because many people, and in particular people who are not sick, have called 15, in particular because of understandable anxiety phenomena “.

While many platforms have had to reorganize to better filter all calls, the vast majority of them are still very congested. As a result, thousands of people find themselves having to wait very long minutes on the phone. Hence the importance of this new test available online.

Refer patients

Do you think you have been exposed to Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, and have symptoms? Fabrice Denis, oncologist at the Jean Bernard Center in Le Mans (Sarthe), piloted the development of this questionnaire, developed by several specialists, to guide patients as best as possible.

To take the test, CLICK HERE.

This simple test, which consists of 24 questions, will ask you mainly about your medical history and the symptoms you are experiencing. At the end of the questionnaire, and after taking your answers into account, the algorithm will then recommend several options:

– Stay home

– Consult a GP

– Call non-urgent care duty (116-117)

– Access a tele-consultation platform (several links are then offered to you)

– Call the "15 "

Coronavirus:here is the online test that helps you detect the disease

Coronavirus:here is the online test that helps you detect the disease

A solid test

This questionnaire was developed "with researchers and doctors from the Institut Pasteur, Paris Hospitals and several University Hospitals “, explains the oncologist. “The test is analyzed by a very solid algorithm, which is based on scientific elements ". It guarantees "the highest level of reliability because it is based on feedback from specialized newspapers, particularly those of Chinese people who have been confronted with the coronavirus before us. We also checked that the symptoms in China were the same as in France “.

And the results are there. "With this tool, we have reduced the number of unnecessary calls to "15" in Sarthe by around 30% “, welcomes Fabrice Denis.

The other purpose of this test, he says, is to familiarize French people with symptoms to look out for, "like shortness of breath or feeling very tired “, concludes the doctor.

To take the test, CLICK HERE.


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