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Covid-19:7,800 cases in France, first signs of slowdown in Italy, the United States in full doubt, update on the pandemic

As France enters its second day of confinement, the number of cases and deaths linked to the coronavirus is still increasing. However, in Italy, the first signs of a slowdown in the spread of the coronavirus are being felt. In the United States, concern is in order after a surge in the number of cases and deaths.

The situation in France

Since Tuesday, March 17, 2020, France has been in a situation of general confinement. In other words, the population is clearly forced to stay at home except for a reason justified by means of a sworn statement. The Minister of the Interior mentioned the deployment of 100,000 police and gendarmes to ensure the smooth running of the quarantine. This situation is expected to last two weeks but could be extended depending on the evolution of events.

The latest assessment for our country is 7,730 confirmed cases for 175 deaths . You should know that 2,575 patients are hospitalized, including 699 serious cases in intensive care according to Jérôme Salomon, the Director General of Health. The person concerned did not fail to recall that the number of cases was doubling every three days. In addition, he indicated that 7% of deceased persons were under 65, an opportunity to remember that the Covid-19 coronavirus does not exclusively affect the elderly.

Covid-19:7,800 cases in France, first signs of slowdown in Italy, the United States in full doubt, update on the pandemic

The spread is slowing down in Italy

On March 16, Le Monde mentioned the first good news – albeit relative – concerning Italy. Indeed, the Covid-19 progression curve seems to be slowing down , showing the first positive effects of confinement. In Lombardy, the most affected region of the country, the growth of the coronavirus is no longer exponential.

In the medium term, therefore, we can hope for an improvement. However, the short-term outlook remains very bleak. Let's quote the latest assessment in Italy:31,506 cases for 2,503 deaths. Thus, the number of deaths is rapidly approaching that of China (3,237).

More than 100 deaths in the United States

The United States today has 5,700 and 103 deaths . Concerned about the country's economy, President Donald Trump is currently working with the Senate and House of Representatives to craft an aid package that will be “bold and very important” .

Elsewhere in Europe, the situation in Spain continues to worsen with 11,178 cases and 491 deaths. The third most affected country in the world remains Iran, with 16,169 cases and 988 deaths. Globally, the latest assessment reports more than 198,000 cases and almost 8,000 deaths.

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