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Coronavirus:nearly 8,000 infected and 170 dead, border closures, update on the epidemic

The Chinese coronavirus continues to progress with nearly 8,000 cases worldwide and 170 deaths. In addition, a new case has been identified in France, the fifth case, while the repatriation of French people living in China begins. In addition, new countries are added to the list of those with at least one confirmed case.

An update on the epidemic

Published this January 30, 2020 by Hong Kong newspaper South China Morning Post , the new toll linked to the 2019-nCoV coronavirus is gaining momentum. We are now at 7,909 confirmed cases worldwide for a total of 170 deaths . Pending the peak of the epidemic, which should occur in a week according to a Chinese specialist, the toll is growing.

Now all 31 Chinese provinces are affected by the virus. Indeed, Tibet, the last province with no cases, no longer represents a sanctuary in the country. In addition, the list of countries with infected people on their territory is growing. Indeed, India and the Philippines reported their first case. As Le Monde explains , a 5th case of Chinese coronavirus was confirmed by the French authorities on the evening of January 29.

Russia announces this Thursday the closure of its 4250 km of borders with China, as have already done Mongolia, Kazakhstan and North Korea . “An order was signed today and is in effect. We will inform everyone today of the measures taken to close the border in the Far East”, Prime Minister Mikhail Michoustin announced.

The World Health Organization (WHO) meets again today to decide whether the outbreak "constitutes a public health emergency of international concern."

Coronavirus:nearly 8,000 infected and 170 dead, border closures, update on the epidemic

French from Wuhan soon to be repatriated

On January 28, France activated the European Civil Protection Mechanism . The goal? Coordinate the repatriation of French European nationals from Wuhan as well as possible. A first plane is currently going to the Chinese city of 11 million inhabitants, which has been quarantined for a week. This first convoy initially provides for the repatriation of 200 French nationals . In total, no less than 600 European citizens want to be repatriated, nationals of Italy, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Spain or even Germany.

While details to secure the flights are being discussed with Chinese authorities, the fate of the returnees is already known. Upon their arrival, they will be transferred to a place where they will be placed in confinement for a period of 14 days . According to the Minister of Health Agnès Buzyn, it will be "a friendly reception area, pleasant for families and under 24-hour medical supervision .


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