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How does Covid-19 attack our body?

Cryo-electron microscopy is a specific technique for preparing biological samples used in transmission electron microscopy. This one has been used by various researchers in the fight against the coronavirus. Thanks to her, we know how Covid-19 attacks our body. Thus, this is a new avenue for the development of new treatments, but we will have to be patient.

Cryo-microscopy has made progress

A native of Switzerland, Professor Jacques Dubochet received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 2017 for his work in electron cryo-microscopy. This technique has recently made it possible to obtain images at the molecular level of the Covid-19 coronavirus. First, US researchers managed to identify the surface protein that allows the virus to cling to lung cells before infecting them.

However, the real breakthrough comes from a team from Westlake University in Hangzhou (China), whose results were published in the journal Science on March 4, 2020. By Using cryo-microscopy, scientists have understood how said protein hijacks the primary functions of lung cells to allow the virus to multiply.

A detailed attack

The lung cell receptor targeted by the protein is none other than angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2). Present in large numbers in the lungs but also the heart, kidneys and intestines, its main function is to lower blood pressure . One of the Chinese researchers gave an image, considering that the organism was a house, the coronavirus a thief and the enzyme ACE2 the forced entry door. From now on, it is a question of developing a targeted treatment, the objective of which will be to prevent the malicious protein from managing to attach itself to the enzyme.

How does Covid-19 attack our body?

Towards a new treatment?

The fact is that such a drug is not yet relevant. At the moment, anti-viral drugs fight the multiplication of the virus but not its infection process. However, the Chinese study opens up a new avenue, but we will have to be patient. It is first a question of finding a substance effective against the protein in question. Then, it will be necessary to make sure that the new drug does not cause no dangerous side effects for the organism.


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