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Coronavirus:5 new cases in France, discovery of another mode of transmission, update on the epidemic

The coronavirus epidemic continues with an assessment taking a little more scale every day, 5 new cases have been identified in France. Outside China, the number of infected rises to more than 320 cases in around thirty countries. Moreover, as anger rises in China, a new way of transmitting the virus has been discovered.

Last assessment and crisis in China

The latest toll is 34,939 confirmed cases for 725 deaths . The number of people cured is increasing just as logically (2,313). As the epidemic continues, observers report an explosive situation in China.

Dr. Li Wenliang from Wuhan Central Hospital has passed away. He was one of the first to communicate about this new coronavirus but was silenced by the local police. Thus, his death has aroused great excitement, especially on social networks. You should know that the anger of the people made the government react in Beijing. Indeed, a team from the highest anti-corruption agency in the country was sent to Wuhan to investigate Li Wenliang.

Coronavirus:5 new cases in France, discovery of another mode of transmission, update on the epidemic

According to some local observers such as Qin Qianhong of the 'Wuhan University, this agency will have to give something concrete to the public in order to appease them. The interested party fears a new "Tiananmen" , the 1989 student movement representing the largest mass protest in modern Chinese history. It will therefore be necessary to punish certain local officials but also to try not to discourage those who are really fighting the epidemic.

5 new cases identified in France

Agnes Buzyn , Minister of Solidarity and Health announced it this morning. They are four adults and a child of British nationality who were staying in Haute-Savoie. They would have been contaminated by a relative, himself back from Singapore, and with whom they were in contact during their stay. Their condition shows “no signs of seriousness,” she said.

Discovery of another mode of transmission

While the situation in China remains complex, researchers from the University of Southampton (UK) say they have identified a new mode of transmission of the coronavirus. As TVA Nouvelles explains, diarrhea could be a secondary route of transmission. Remember that the primary route of transmission is that of postillions rejected by an infected person who coughs or sneezes. According to the researchers, the doctors who worked on the first cases focused on this mode. The latter would therefore have neglected the other possibilities.

British scientists explained that approximately 10% of patients in a Chinese study (14 of 138) had diarrhea and nausea before the onset of respiratory problems. In addition, the first confirmed case in the United States was also in this situation. Above all, the virus was detected in his stool . The faecal route could therefore well be a source of contamination. However, researchers do not yet know how long the virus can survive outside the body and at what temperature it becomes sensitive.


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