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Coronavirus:more than 1000 dead, 160 cases in Japan, a "serious threat" for London, update on the epidemic

With more than 43,000 confirmed cases and a thousand deaths, the coronavirus epidemic is far from over. The case of the Yokohama liner takes a new turn. In London, the confirmation of new cases prompted authorities to speak of a "serious and imminent threat to public health".

The latest report to date

According to the South China Morning Post on February 11, 2020, the latest assessment of the coronavirus epidemic is 43,098 confirmed cases for 1,018 deaths . The number of rescued people also increases as 3,244 people are cured. For the past few days, a certain stability in the progression of the epidemic has been felt. However, the director of the Health Organization (WHO) warned that it was still too early to predict its decline.

Elsewhere in the world, Japan is increasingly worried. If the number of infected people barely exceeded twenty a week ago, the case of the Yokohama liner has since been there. The number of cases of passengers infected with the coronavirus increased from 86 to 135 this February 10! In total, the country now has 161 cases. The other country that has reported a significant number of cases is Singapore (45).

Coronavirus:more than 1000 dead, 160 cases in Japan, a  serious threat  for London, update on the epidemic

A grave and imminent threat to London

According to La Presse on February 10, the United Kingdom doubled its number of cases, from 4 to 8. The British Ministry of Health claimed that " the incidence or transmission of the novel coronavirus poses a serious and imminent threat to public health." In addition, there is talk of new measures to "delay or prevent further transmission of the virus".

Authorities can now isolate a person against their will if it poses a threat to public health. It seems that besides the fact of the number of additional cases, this measure seems to have been taken for another reason. Indeed, a Briton recently repatriated from China had threatened to flee from solitary confinement.

Finally, an article published by Le Temps indicated that European health ministers have planned to meet in Brussels this February 13. The goal? Discuss in the presence of a WHO representative measures against the spread of the new coronavirus in the European Union.


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